Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM What FAAM Does Stephen Devereau Technical Manager
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM FAAM Overview Facility is a partnership between: NERC The Met Office and is an Observational Facility of the National Centre for Atmospheric Science
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM 2001: conversion of G-LUXE starts at BAE Systems’ factory in Woodford, Cheshire 27 November Avro RJX programme closed, but conversion continues (with delays) 2004: Test flying programme starts at Cambridge & Certificate of Airworthiness gained (July) 11/02/2005: Final Acceptance Certificate was signed by the University of Manchester (formerly UMIST) 29/03/2006: BAE Systems’ Contract novated to the the Natural Environment Research Council (as provided for by the original contract document). Creation of FAAM
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM What Did We Create? Presents for all ?
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM What Did We Create? Or a monster ?
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM What Did We Create? Or something in-between ?
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM What is FAAM?
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements facility |f ə ˈ sil ə tē| noun ( pl. facilities ) space or equipment necessary for doing something: cooking facilities | facilities for picnicking, camping, and hiking. an amenity or resource, esp. one connected with leisure or hygiene: facilities include two swimming pools. (the facilities) a public toilet. an establishment set up to fulfill a particular function or provide a particular service, typically an industrial or medical one: a manufacturing facility.
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements In a PLANE… up in the air facility |f ə ˈ sil ə tē| noun ( pl. facilities ) space or equipment necessary for doing something: cooking facilities | facilities for picnicking, camping, and hiking. an amenity or resource, esp. one connected with leisure or hygiene: facilities include two swimming pools. (the facilities) a public toilet. an establishment set up to fulfill a particular function or provide a particular service, typically an industrial or medical one: a manufacturing facility.
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements In a PLANE… up in the air facility |f ə ˈ sil ə tē| noun ( pl. facilities ) space or equipment necessary for doing something: cooking facilities | facilities for picnicking, camping, and hiking. an amenity or resource, esp. one connected with leisure or hygiene: facilities include two swimming pools. (the facilities) a public toilet. an establishment set up to fulfill a particular function or provide a particular service, typically an industrial or medical one: a manufacturing facility. measurement | ˈ meZH ə rm ə nt| noun the action of measuring something: accurate measurement is essential | a telescope with which precise measurements can be made. the size, length, or amount of something, as established by measuring: his inseam measurement. a unit or system of measuring: a hand is a measurement used for measuring horses.
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Plane !
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Then and now MRFFAAM Management21 Operations12 Admin21 Insects64 Computing22 Electricals42 Chemistry21 Cloudies12 Mechanicals50 TOTAL2515 We must out-source some work – e.g. manufacturing Collaboration is essential – not just in the science but in maintaining and developing the facility itself
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM run the flying programme, install new instruments, organise detachments, manage pack-ups, maintain and calibrate core instruments, FAAM IT, process core data, pre-flights, crew lists, WAS operator, PR committee, ops meetings, manage new campaign proposals, accounts, quality control core data, make the tea, training, organise travel, project meetings, config changes, recces, civil contingencies, detachment IT, arrange early breakfasts, health and safety, instrument working groups, ops committee meetings, manage press visits, C onfig diagrams, campaign planning meetings, aircraft IT, TEDLAR bag filling, empty the bins… What we do now:-
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Fire-fighting and Feedback ( F 2 ) !
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Discussion Points Fire-Fighting & Feedback We are now a mature facility, but much of our history has been a process of fire-fighting. Have we moved beyond this phase? Examples: Campaign Statement of Requirement Current down-time Feedback, or FAAM’s response to it, is perhaps the mark of maturity
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Discussion Points: Feedback Flying Do you think you are involved enough in how flying is conducted? More Crew Resource Management? Involvement with the Air-Crew? Should you become Flight Trained Persons? Lessons for FAAM to learn from MOCCA?
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Discussion Points: Feedback Detachments Enough information? Enough input from yourselves? Are you expected to work too hard, too long hours? What could we do better?
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Discussion Points: Feedback Instrument Work at Cranfield Enough information on when the aircraft is available? Enough time? Suitable working conditions? Are you expecting too much from FAAM? What could we do better?
Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurements FAAM Discussion Points: Feedback Feedback on Feedback Is it timely? Are you confident that your feedback is taken seriously? Is it directed at the right groups? What could we do better? Are there obstacles to giving us feedback?