Aquatic Science Where do Oceans come from? Label the five oceans. Google Image “Plate Tectonic map” On your globe, label the 3 types of boundaries. Label the plates. Draw arrows to indicate plate direction. Show me for grade. On paper, answer the following with complete sentences –What type of plate boundary appears mostly on the ocean floor? Why is this? –How did Hawaii and Iceland form?
Where do Oceans come from?, cont. Label the following: –East Pacific Rise –Mid-Atlantic Ridge –Ring of Fire. –On your paper, answer the following… What is an island arc? How is it formed? What kind of boundary does it occur along? What side of which oceans contain island arcs? How many island arcs are located in the Pacific? In the Atlantic?
Where do Oceans come from? Looking forward, looking back. How many grids are covered by each ocean? Where is the Pacific Ocean growing? Where is it shrinking? Overall, is the Atlantic Ocean growing or shrinking? Where are the deepest portions of the seafloor, and what is happening here? Mark these areas on your globe: –Marianas Trench- Java Trench –Juan de Fuca Trench- Aleutian Trench –Puerto Rico Trench- Japan Trench How are oceans forming? What type of plate boundary appears to be most involved in the making of oceans? There are several areas of the world where oceans are beginning to form. Name one.