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Social studies concepts help young children understand themselves and the world in which they live
Social Studies Concepts Concepts are generalized notions or ideas formed from perceptions Perceptions are ideas formed about a relationship/object as a result of what a child learns through their senses Repeated experiences lead to concept formation.
Social Studies Concepts Concepts help children to organize experiences to make sense out of their world to communicate with each other
Social Studies Concepts Culture is learned patterns of social behavior that includes ideas and ways of doing things: Language Religion Customs Traditions
Social Studies Concepts Culture is the lens by which the child views and judges the world influences feelings, thoughts and behavior provides children with a lifestyle
Social Studies Concepts People do not realize that their behavior might be different from behaviors learned in other cultures Children become aware of race and color around age three
Social Studies Concepts Multicultural Concept Respect for self Acceptance and respect for others Appreciation of child’s own racial and ethnic background
Social Studies Concepts Multicultural Concept Skill to interact positively with others Understanding that there are many ways to do things
Social Studies Concepts Multicultural Concept Parent Involvement Provide knowledge of family needs, concerns and hopes Share heritage through stories, games, songs, dances, food and holiday observations
Social Studies Concepts Multicultural Concept Material and Equipment Select materials that reflect the ethnic heritage and background of all children Cooking utensils, flags, games books, CDs, pictures
Social Studies Concepts Multicultural Concept Material and Equipment Select materials that are free from bias Avoid stereotyping (ignores individual differences)
Social Studies Concepts Multicultural Concept Material and Equipment Select materials that are free from bias Be aware of omission (leaving out a group therefore implying that they have less value than others)
Social Studies Concepts Multicultural Concept Activities Focus on similarities rather than differences Special day—sharing family and favorites Cooking and eating a variety of foods, music
Social Studies Concepts Intergenerational Concept Goals Learning from and about the aged Avoid negative stereotyping Promote growth of positive attitudes toward aging
Social Studies Concepts Intergenerational Concept Goals Provide opportunities to learn how all people change View the aged in a variety of roles
Social Studies Concepts Intergenerational Concept Activities Themes such as Families and All About Me Document changes in growth of children Arrange opportunities for contact with the aged
Social Studies Concepts Government Concept Before age 5, limited to pointing out the flag and pictures of the president Recognize the Pledge of Allegiance and National Anthem
Social Studies Concepts Government Concept Activities Let the children vote whenever possible Let the children set rules Encourage the children to make suggestions and plans
Social Studies Concepts Ecology Concept Ecology is the study of the chain of life Focuses on water, land, air, grass, trees, birds and insects Encourage the children’s observation skills
Social Studies Concepts Ecology Concept Activities Walks to observe nature Keep plants and animals in the classroom or playground Encourage children to pick up trash
Social Studies Concepts Change Concept Change affects their lives in many ways Encourage children to accept change Help the child understand that change is constant
Social Studies Concepts Change Concept Activities Observe changes in nature Collect a variety of clothing from different ages Record children’s height and weight throughout the year
Social Studies Concepts Geography Concept Children are natural geographers Helps children to understand that the earth is home to many people Explore space, play in water, dig in dirt
Social Studies Concepts Geography Concept Activities Use a map to navigate around the center Play reading readiness games that use symbols to prepare children to read maps
Social Studies Concepts Community Living Concept Children are becoming more aware of the world outside their homes and families
Social Studies Concepts Community Living Concept Activities Plan field trips to places in the community that provide services for people (community helpers) Plan field trips to various workplaces and businesses
Social Studies Concepts Community Living Concept Activities Invite people from various careers to visit the classroom
Social Studies Concepts Current Events Concept Children are usually unaware of events outside their own environment Encourage children to share events affecting their own lives
Social Studies Concepts Current Events Concept Activities Show and Tell “News” Bulletin Board
Social Studies Concepts Holiday Concept Celebrate holidays to learn about cultural heritages Learn concepts about the continuity of life
Social Studies Concepts Holiday Concept Activities CAUTION Avoid introducing more than one week before it occurs Choose holidays that are relevant
Social Studies Concepts Holiday Concept Activities Involve children in planning Consider a “Special Day” Invite others to join the celebration
Incidental Learnings are experiences that happen in the course of a normal day How could you structure the classroom to promote incidental learnings?