PLC & Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies: Angel Ryan EDU 639 Human Relations. & Learning in the Multi. Envmnt Instructor: Joy Bell March 9,2014
What is culture? According to Wardle, “traditions, world view, and social and political relationships created, shared, and transformed by a group bound together by certain common factors (Nieto & Bode, 2012); and the prism through which we view the world (Bowman, 1994)”. (Wardle, 2013).
The Background and History of the Islamic Culture. The Islamic faith known as Muslims. Muslims study a holy book called the Quran, which they believe to be the sacred words of Allah, their name for God. "Islam" means "Peace through the submission to God". Muslims speak Arabic and write Arabic. Arranged marriages are allowed in Islam but are not required. Muslim women wear the head-covering (hijab), out of respect. All Muslims are not Arab. Islam is a diverse religion and way of life which includes followers from all races of people.
Strategies to provide a multicultural and anti- bias curriculum for Islamic children: Inclusion is based on IDEA’s six principles of the least restrictive environment. Inclusive education, according to its most basic definition, “means that students with disabilities are supported in chronologically age-appropriate general education classes in their home schools and receive the specialized instruction delineated by their individualized education programs (IEP's) within the context of the core curriculum and general class activities.” (Florida Developmental Disabilities Council). “Children need to develop basic verbal and cognitive skills in their native language so that they can master ever-more complex skills, tasks, and complex constructs in academic areas (Rueda & Yaden, 2013)”.
Strategies to provide a multicultural and anti-bias curriculum for Islamic children continuing… : According to Wardle, “the facilitation of educational equity for all, regardless of race, gender, age, or other exceptionalities (p. 109)”. (Wardle, 2013).
Some activities to educate children about Islamic culture, background and suggestions…. The use of “ARTS AND CRAFTS”, allows children to express themselves. HELP CHILDREN SEE EACH OF US IS UNIQUE! Through stories, and music. Allow for a shown tell day Pot lucks Doing studies on all cultures based on the ethnicities in the classroom. Group activities and discussions.
Ways To Involve Parents Encouraging duties in the classroom that both genders could do, staying positive and praising children, and being a role model to the children without a judgmental attitude. By providing flexible scheduling for school events and parent-teacher conferences, inform parents about what their children are learning, and help parents create a supportive environment for children's learning at home. Having ways for parents to participate in their children's schools by joining Parent Teacher Associations (PTAs) or Parent Teacher Organizations (PTOs). Allowing parents to be involved in decision-making about the educational services.
WHAT CAN EDUCATORS DO TO GET FAMILIES INVOLVED? Allows for parents to get involved with what their children are learning by inviting parents to visit and help out. Build relationships with families. Engage families in the planning of for their children by talking to families and other programs for ideas and suggestions. Provide newsletters so that families could be involved and give feedback to families about children’s progress.
The benefits of parent’s involved in their children's education are: It enhances children's self-esteem. Improves children's academic achievement. Improves parent-child relationships and see that parent respect teachers. Helps parents develop positive attitudes towards school and in turn the child enjoys school.
What Next? Implement
Role of a teacher: According to Teachers Wardle, “motivate students, develop trusting relationships with students, and use their personal relationships to help students succeed emotionally, socially, and academically”. (Wardle, 2013). By promoting positive social values and skills in learning to relate to others effectively. Allowing children to make choices and by allowing the children to express their opinions and feelings. Encouraging duties in the classroom that both genders could do, staying positive and praising children, and being a role model to the children without a judgmental attitude. According to “Teachers set the tone of their classrooms, build a warm environment, mentor and nurture students, become role models, and listen and look for signs of trouble”. (VanBaren).
References: Florida Developmental Disabilities Council. (n.d.). Retrieved from pdf pdf The Element of Freedom: Alicia Keys, released on December 11, 2009: Song Distance and Time.Alicia Keys VanBaren, J. (n.d.). Retrieved from classroom.html classroom.html Wardle, F. (2013).Human Relationships and Learning in the Multicultural Environment. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.Human Relationships and Learning in the Multicultural Environment