How and Why it works for you
Where do counties come from? Counties, as a form of government, were in place in Michigan before Michigan became a state. At one time, when Michigan was a territory, Lenawee County was part of Monroe County. Counties are created by the state constitution and are regulated by state statues, state laws. Counties are political subdivisions of the state.
Why do we have counties? Counties are a form of government that provide services to the public, to people, that the public agrees should be performed. County government is your government because the voters of Lenawee County elect the County Commissioners that legislate county policy. Policy decides what services county government provides. The voters also elect various county officials who run the departments that perform the services.
Lenawee County Government Lenawee County has the same three branches of government as the state and federal government Legislative: The Lenawee County Board of Commissioners Executive: The Chairperson of the Board of Commissioners and the elected and appointed department heads Judicial: The Circuit, Probate and District Courts
Lenawee County Commission The Lenawee County Commission is made up of 9 commissioners that are elected from districts of equal population. Relatively equal. The commissioners are elected every two years on a partisan ballot. Partisan ballot means that they run as a Republican or Democrat or some other party. The county commission sets policy and funding for all county services and operations. In general the commission determines the needs of the county and works to meet those needs.
County services There are many divisions of county government that provide services to the citizens of Lenawee County. All of these services are provided either because the citizens, through their elected commissioners, approve the service or because, as a political subdivision of the state, the county is required to perform the service. Most of the time required services are also desired services.
Courts The courts are a separate branch of government regulated by the State Supreme Court The county court system does things that are obvious such as conducting trials for people who are accused of crimes and taking money from people who are paying tickets. The courts also perform tasks that many people do not know about.
Circuit Court Conducts trials for major crimes Conducts hearings and makes decisions when married couples get a divorce Makes decisions about land ownership when people disagree who owns property or where a property line is located Resolves disputes or questions about the conduct of a lower court Is the highest court in the county court system
Probate Court The Probate Court could be described as service from cradle to grave The court handles adoptions, children who are accused of committing crimes and guardianships for children who have no one to care for them. The court handles guardianships for older people who cannot take care of themselves and have no one to act in their best interest. The court decides who gets a persons property after they die if there are any questions.
District Court The District Court is the court people have contact with most commonly The court handles tickets when people are stopped for speeding, running red lights or any other traffic offense The court handles misdemeanor and civil offenses The court handles civil small claims lawsuits The court arraigns individuals charged with more serious crimes the determine if there is evidence to send them to circuit court for trial
Elected Officials Sheriff Department – Runs the jail that houses people charged with crimes and convicted of crimes, patrols the county roads to stop driving offenses and take reports on crimes and other problems, investigates crimes and maintains security in the courthouse. County Clerk – Serves as clerk to the courts and county commission, maintains vital records such as birth certificates, marriage licenses and death certificates, runs elections in the county, processes payroll and pays bills for the county
Elected Officials County Treasurer – Collects and invests all money that comes into the county, balances the county’s check book, collects delinquent taxes and sells property to collect the tax. County Register of Deeds – Records all property ownership in the county. The ownership and mortgage records of the house or apartment that you live in is recorded in the Register of Deeds office. Recording ownership puts that ownership on public record and protects the rights of the owner.
Elected Officials County Prosecutor – Reviews and investigates police reports to determine if a crime has been committed, prosecutes accused persons if a crime has been committed and serves as legal advisor to the county commission. County Drain Commissioner – Is responsible to keep properties drained of excess water, runs water and sewer systems outside of cities in the county and manages several dams and lakes to keep them repaired and working. Elected official by state statute.
Other county services The county provides many other services: Health Department – immunizations, hearing tests, communicable diseases, restaurant inspections, well and septic permits Parks Community Mental Health County Airport Department of Human Services – Social Welfare
Other county services Veterans Affairs – Coordinate services to veterans, aid to veterans who need financial assistance. Medical Examiner – investigate deaths to determine cause and address concerns Department on Aging – Aid to elderly, meals on wheels, in home care, reduce need for nursing home care, senior centers for activities Central Dispatch – Receive emergency calls and send assistance to those in need. Emergency Management – Coordinate responses in case of natural or other disaster.
Other county services Michigan State University Extension – runs 4H program, provides assistance to farmers and gardeners throughout the county and provides additional educational programs to county residents. Maurice Spear Campus – Under the direction of the Probate Court the campus is a youth detention facility to house juveniles convicted of crimes and try to address any problems they may have. Equalization Department – Ensures that property tax levies, the major source of local funding, are properly distibuted
Support services The county also has several departments that support the departments that perform services to the public. Administrator’s Office handles financial and human resource matters Information Technology – Computer and communication services Printing and Purchasing Building and Grounds – Maintains county property Various appointed boards and commissions to oversee county functions
Your county government The goal of county government is to meet the needs of the citizens of the county The people who make decisions about what services are provided and what policies are followed are all elected by the citizens of the county All of the decisions of the county are made at public meetings that the citizens of the county are welcome to attend It is only through the involvement of well informed citizens that government works well