VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Soil work and machines VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S20161 Factors to remember in the working process Heavy lifts Weather at site Crew facilities Weight of the machines Safety on site Transportation of machine Space required to work Workzone / area (sand/clay) Crew skills (experience) Fuel for the machines
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Wagons for the crew VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S20162
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Soil compacting machines VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S20163 Weight Range Work zone/area Space required Plate Compactor
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Digging machines VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S20164 Weight Range Work zone/area Space required
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Soil digging and moving VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S20165 Weight Range Work zone/area Space required
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Soil transportation VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S20166
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Measuring tools VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S20167
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Special soil machines VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S20168
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Exercises – soil work VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S20169
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Exercises – soil work VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S We uses Nicolais excel sheets, and the code to open the sheet is “ngh” The sheet are to be found as below Different rental catalogs Calculations excel sheets for soil work
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Exercises – Moving soil with the dozer VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S Calculate the following for each area: If the topsoil is 30 cm deep. How many m 3 is there to move for the dozer? How many m 3 of topsoil can a good (straight) driver do per hour How many m 3 of topsoil can a bad driver do per hour
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Exercises – Moving soil with the wheel loader VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S Calculate the following for each area: How many m 3 of sand soil is too be moved in the two cases (without the topsoil quantity? How many m 3 of sand soil can a good (straight) driver do per hour How many m 3 of sand soil can a bad driver do per hour
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Exercises – Digging soil by hand VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S Calculate the following for each area: How many mh does it take to dig the hole if the soil is light and it has to be moved 50 m? How many mh does it take to dig the hole if the soil is very heavy and it has to be moved 50 m? What does light soil and heavy soil means and what is the difference? When do we use the shovel instead of a machine?
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Exercises – Digging soil excavator VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S Calculate the following for the truncated pyramid for the theoretical production and the data next to here: How many m 3 /h can the machine produce when digging in sand How many m 3 /h can the machine produce when digging in wet sticky clay Why is there a difference? Calculate how long it will take for the machine, if the soil is hard plastic clay and when using the biggest shovel (2,4 m 3 )
VIA / TCU 4th semester workshop S2016 Exercises – Digging soil excavator VIA University CollegeTCU-VIA Workshop – S Prices for excavation. In the catalog from: LOXAM+Rental+prisliste+2015_16 We choose an excavator: CASE CX160 at site 7 in the catalog. Calculate how long it will take for the machine, if the soil is hard plastic clay and when using the biggest shovel (2,4 m 3 ) For this question – how much will it cost in digging expenses? 1 CNY = 1 DKK