Soil is the loose material, mostly made of minerals, where plants can grow. Soil is made of air, water, minerals and organic matter. Humus is a type of soil that is made up of decayed plants and animals.
Sand has the largest particle found in the soil. Sand does not hold water well. Sand feels gritty and will not form a ball.
Silt has characteristics between clay and sand ( medium-sized particles). Silt feels smooth and powdery when dry, and feels slippery when wet.
Clay feels hard as stone when dry, and feels sticky when wet. Clay has the smallest particle found in the soil.
Loam is the best soil for growing plants. Loam is a mix of clay, sand and silt.
Topsoil- richest layer (where roots grow) Subsoil- middle layer Bedrock-solid rock
Weathering and Erosion are the two natural processes that change the land. Weathering-breaking down of rocks into smaller pieces. Erosion-carrying away of soil and small rocks. The three forces that change the land are wind, water and ice.
We need soil in order for plants to grow. We need plants for food and also to breathe. We need soil for animals, plants, and humans to survive.