Budget Update Mayor’s Budget Office External Stakeholder Presentation April 20, 2007
Joint Report Report Highlights Change to Sources$237.8 M Uses Changes Salaries and Benefits($72.8 M) Baseline Requirements($55.6 M) Other Operating Costs(134.8 M) Shortfall :($25.4 M)
Summary Points Our current deficit projection is $25.4 million. This is lower than most past years, but double last year. As in years past, we are using a current year projected surplus (general fund balance) of $129.4 million to help balance for FY Any supplemental appropriations will increase the deficit by a like amount. The joint report projections include a CPI increase (2.45%) on all open contracts (Police, Fire and Nurses). Every additional 1% increase on these contracts will cost an additional $6.1 million The Rainy Day fund has been triggered for the current year but not for the budget year.
Joint Report 3-Year Projection FY08 FY09FY10 __________________________________________________________ Projected Surplus / (Shortfall) ($25.4M) ($85.3M) $8.3M ____________________________________________________
Budget Calendar May 1Mayor’s Proposed Enterprise Budget to BOS May 10GF departments - budget legislation due to MBO May 2, 16MTA Hearings May 23, 30Budget Committee hearings: Enterprise Departments May Governor’s May Revise released June 1Mayor’s Proposed GF Budget to BOS June18-29Budget Committee hearings: GF Departments JulyBudget at full BOS
Budget Information Budget information is available on the websites of the City Controller, the Mayor’s Office and the Board of Supervisors: (Policy and Finance Link) (Budget Information Link) (Board of Supervisors Link) The Budget Committee meets on Wednesdays at 1:00 p.m. on the second floor of City Hall. Public comment on agenda items is taken at all meetings.