Accumulated Operating Fund Surplus January 14, 2013
THAT Council confirm its existing policy to retain Accumulated Surplus (up to 4% of operating expenditures). THAT Council authorize the annual transfer of accumulated surplus exceeding Council’s policy to the Capital Works Reserve to help address future projected capital shortfalls. Recommendations 2
Accumulated Surplus: Consists of Annual Surpluses, accumulated over the years. Is reported in the Audited Financial Statements annually: Background Accumulated Surplus$4.369 M$4.893 M$4.752 M For 2013, a modest Annual Surplus is expected, increasing Accumulated Surplus marginally.
In 2001, Council confirmed their policy pertaining to Accumulated Surplus: “A minimum General Revenue Fund surplus retention of 4.0% of total annual expenditures based on the average of the last three years actual expenses is established….” Current Accumulated Surplus balance $4.746 million Preliminary estimates on minimum required balance for 2014 is $3.895 million Identifies $851,000 excess recommended for Capital Works Reserve Current Council Policy 4
There are 4 reasons why the 4% retention policy can be considered a sound, sustainable financial practice: 1.Provides cash flow 2.Sets aside funds for anticipated future expenditures 3.Maintains a ‘rainy day’ fund for unanticipated emergency expenditures 4.Provides a reserve for budget miscalculations or unforeseen drops in revenues Rationale for Current Council Policy 5
Tax and User Fee collections occur in July of each year Total levy is approximately $34 Million Require $17 Million “in the bank” to cover operating expenses from Jan-Jul each year Current reserve levels are projected to shrink below $17M over the course of the 5-year plan Retention of Accumulated Surplus critical to eliminate need for short-term borrowing to sustain operations. Cash Flow 6
$8 Million annual amortization on Tangible Capital Assets This amortization expense is currently unfunded Tangible Capital Assets continue to age with little provision currently being made to address future capital shortfall Recommendation to place any excess Accumulated Surplus above the 4% retention into the Capital Works Reserve to address this shortfall Anticipated Future Expenditures 7
Emergency situations are unplanned but can have major financial implications Unusual weather events Earthquake Police incidents Accumulated Surplus acts as a contingency for such unplanned expenditures “Rainy day” funds can be used for emergent strategic priorities Downtown Revitalization Emergent land acquisitions Emergency & “Rainy Day” Funds 8
Budget consists of many assumptions & estimates Sometimes errors occur 2013 Yard Waste budget error This error was corrected through use of Annual Surplus (due to other department underages) and not Accumulated Surplus Staff do not use Accumulated Surplus to balance or offset unbudgeted costs without Council approval Accumulated Surplus provides a cushion to offset any such errors should they be beyond the amount that can be absorbed within any Annual Surplus (budget amendment would be required) Budget Miscalculations 9
Any transfers from Accumulated Surplus for ongoing items (including lowering taxes) must continue every year thereafter to prevent a larger tax increase in each year Use of Accumulated Surplus for One-Time Tax Relief Increase2015Increase Operating Budget25,000,000 25,417,000 Current Yr. Increase417,000 Total Op. Budget25,000,00025,417, %25,834,0004.5% Use of Acc. Surplus(417,000)(2.25%)00% Required Tax Levy25,000, %25,834,0004.5%
No governing legislation specific to Accumulated Surplus City’s revenues and expenditures must be balanced Debt may be incurred only under specific circumstances City must comply with PSAB reporting principles TCA & Amortization Legislation 11
District of Mission Reserve and Surplus policy recognized by GFOABC as “Best Practices” Mission’s Accumulated Surplus retention policy is based on minimum & optimum thresholds: Accumulated Surplus - 1 to 2 month operating expenditures Financial Stabilization – 1 to 2.5% operating revenues Using Mission’s policy, City’s Accumulated Surplus is above minimum but below optimum levels Other Municipalities 12 Op Expenses (2013) Op Revenues (2013) MinimumOptimum Accumulated Surplus $33,229,000$2,769,000$5,538,000 Stabilization Reserve $19,958,000$200,000$499,000 Total$2,969,000$6,037,000
Activity per Appendix A of Council Report: Annual Surplus of each fiscal year accumulates Budget Carryforward items Reserve transfers Accumulated Surplus not used to balance budget without Council approval Unbudgeted items require budget amendment unless absorbed by current year Annual Surplus Accumulated Surplus Use in Past Three Years 13
Questions? 14