Jan-Jun 2011 no change in viewing share vs 2010! Source: AGB adults Jan-Jun 2011 h1 audience results
Jan-Jun 2011 TV2 21% less ad mins sold vs 2010! Source: AGB adults Jan-Jun ad sales results
Típus:reality soap Formátum:saját fejlesztés, török licensz alapján Kezdés: ősz Adás: hétköznap PT 19:00 Hossza:60’ Perfect Bride Lots of interesting programming to come this year!
Thursday we launch a new commercial initiative. television value indicators 3 out of every 5 brands advertise on TV2!
TV2 in a new light. Why TVI? Decision makers need a clear picture of tv trading. Audiences are important to evaluate tv channels - but the patronage of advertisers is represented by purchased GRP’s. TVI shows TV2 enjoys trust of advertisers:- 3 in 5 brands advertise on TV2!* TV2 wants to make business with more brands & more advertisers - proving the value of television advertising & growing not only TV2 but the whole TV market! * See advertising copy for full details
What is TVI? TV2 developed a fully transparent market info platform called TVI: Television Value Indicators. We launch Demand Indicators first: Brand Count, GRP Count, Campaign Weight. TVI is available online via as well as a sponsored banner on Kreativ.hu. Data are updated weekly, so please check it regularly!
monitor commercial market trends Brand count – the weekly number of advertised brands by channel. GRP count – the weekly number of GRPs purchased by advertisers by channel. Campaign weight – the average weekly weight by advertising campaign by channel. the demand indicators
TVI will be expanded later this year to include other market indicators such as (probably) net ad spot revenues and ad effectivness inidicators (eg product placement) Future development