Neutron ESS
Status #2 Conclusion: Estia is through and FREIA is difficult to kick out. In principle a third reflectometer is considered to be built on long term.
Status #3 VERITAS is being redesigned into HERITAGE Hungary officially joined ESS only in automn 2014
Estia Areas of research to profit from Estia: Magnetic heterostructures. (magneto-electric devices sensors and switches). Nanostructures with forced coexistence of conflicting bulk properties of constituents (F-S and F-F proximity effects) Time-resolved studies of processes at solid surfaces (polymerisation or self-assembly of organic components). Multifunctional materials, combining various magnetic, electronic and mechanical properties. Novel electronic phases: Insulating metal-oxide heterostructures that develop mobile electron gases at the interfaces, and which show a rich spectrum of physical properties. Processes on functionalised surfaces, e.g. to improve the biocompatibility of sca ff olds for bone tissues. Di ff usion and self di ff usion of atoms in solids. Diffusion plays a key role for the design and optimisation of materials as well as for the performance of devices in technology (energy storage/conversion, electronic devices, sensors and design of nanostructured materials).
Freia Emphasis on time dependence (TOF reflectometry simult. Q-range) Self-assembly of surfactants, polymers and proteins at solid and liquid interfaces Rearrangement processes in thin films: e.g. polymer interdiffusion, inter-layer movement (e.g. lipid flip-flop), annealing/drying /exchange/ wetting processes in composite films such as photovoltaic materials. Encapsulation and release of components in e.g. plastics, polymer blends, drug delivery and implant materials, chemical and biological sensors Switchable materials that undergo structural changes in response to external stimuli (chemical, mechanical, electrical or electromagnetic) with potential device applications Surface reactions that involve change in the film structure or chemical composition; e.g. enzyme catalysis, oxidation or other film degradation reactions, receptor-ligand binding, drug-target interactions, surface functionalisation etc. Matching length scales (#nm - #100 nm and time scales (#msec to # sec) for kinetics
Matching scales (#nm to #100 nm; (#msec to # sec) for kinetics In-situ studies in broad simultaneous Q-range (no inst. Rearrangement) Resolution 2% upwards OFFSPEC GISANS Fast shutters for kinetic measurements Inverted beam geometry with deflecting mirror Conventional collimation options for small samples Incident angle on the sample: 0.15 < θ < 4.1º < Q < 0.44 Å -1 Event mode data acquisition Performance of instrument and virtual experiments on standard samples
FREIA challenges Fast adsorption and desorption processes Fast reactions at surfaces, cyclic processes and external stimuli Biological interactions Liquid-liquid interfaces (e.g. oil-water) In-situ studies of inter-diffusion at buried interfaces Chemically or biologically active samples for industrial and medical applications Magnetic contrast and polarised measurements
FREIA schematic layout Vertical scattering plane, elliptical guide focusing Side view Dashed lines indicate the centres of the neighbouring beam axis around the instrument. Instrument length: 25 m Top view The second line of sight is lost at 11.5m from the moderator, 10.5m before the sample position. The detector position is movable up to 32m. Optimized for 40x40 mm sample size
Polarization option No interference to non-polarized option – S-shape polarization bender – 98% Non-adiabatic spin-flipper