EMSPI WP4/WP5: Indicators manual/guideline Project Meeting Duisburg, 10 th March 2015
Indicator deliveries of WP4/WP5 Energy consumption in a holistic approach was addressed in WP2 and WP3 Indicators for indirect energy consumption was part of WP3 delivery WP5 Eco indicators should be limited to carbon footprint (ClimateCalc)
Draft manuals/guidelines for WP4/5 Proposal for a document structure to be discussed Guideline documentTarget group Guideline - Definition of simple energy performance indicators 1-15 employees or limited resources Guideline - Definition of energy performance indicators and baseline employees or EnMS ISO Guideline - Definition of advanced energy performance indicators and baseline or advanced indicators Guideline – Carbon footprint indicatorsAll companies
Selected indicators IndicatorsEmployees 1-15Employees Energy indicators for the production process 35 Energy indicators for general space heating (and cooling) 23-4 Indirect energy related indicators 22 Energy costs indicators-2 Energy baseline-Yes
Rating of recommended indicators Rating in line with WP3 rating All partners must collect data for the indicators rated to be ‘Good’ in all 20 national companies. High Good Acceptable
EMSPI project baseline WP2 summary: Only common indicator for baseline definition available from EEEI and ClimateCalc: Energy consumption per produced paper (GJ/ton) WP2 summary: The baseline must be updated with data from the 100 companies after WP6.