Consolidated Annual Performance & Evaluation Report for Housing & Community Development Public Hearing Wednesday ■ September 10, 2014
Community Development Block Grant Program Primary objective is the development of viable urban communities by providing: Decent housing, A suitable living environment, and Expand Economic opportunity. Activities must meet one of three national objectives: Benefit low - and moderate-income persons; Aid in the prevention of slums and blight, or Meet an urgent need.
Home Investment Partnership Program Primary objective is to: Increase decent, affordable housing to low- and very low-income households; Expand the capacity of non-profit community based housing development organizations; Strengthen the ability of local governments to provide housing, and Leverage private sector participation. Matching Funds: 25% local match Non-Profit Participation: 15% set-aside for certified Community Housing Development Organizations.
2014 HUD Income Limits (MSA) Income Limit Area Median Income Income Limit Category Persons in Family Hampton City $70,600 Very Low (50%) 24,75028,25031,80035,30038,15040,95043,80046,600 Extremely Low (30%) 14,85017,00019,79023,85027,91031,97036,03040,090 Low (80%)39,55045,20050,85056,50061,05065,55070,10074,600
FY CDBG and HOME Allocations Community Development Block Grant Program $1,086,522 HOME Investment Partnership Program $373,414
CDBG and HOME Program Resources Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program $1,086, CDBG Program Income $65, CDBG Revolving Loan Fund$304, HOME Investment Partnership Program $373, HOME Program Income $364, Total CDBG & HOME Resources: $2,194,290.69
CDBG Program Accomplishments
Acquisition 5 blighted units acquired with CDBG resources 3 blighted units acquired with City resources Site Acquisition & Review Committee (SARC) discussed 205 properties. 38 contracts negotiated and 27 closed during the program year. 5 builders were approved from the Preferred Builder Program but 1 withdrew. NSP: 2 foreclosed homes purchased with Neighborhood Stabilization Program (NSP) funding.
Demolition Total of forty-two (42) structures were demolished for the program year: 14 blighted units demolished with CDBG resources. 28 blighted units demolished with City resources.
Disposition 3 lots sold to Habitat for Humanity for new housing construction 14 lots were sold through the CDBG $1.00 Lot Sales Program to Builders to build affordable housing. 5 homes sold to low income buyers with HOME subsidy 3 homes were rehab with the use of HOME funds and sold. NSP: 4 rehabbed houses sold
Housing Programs 6 Wheelchair Ramps Constructed 2 Exterior Repair Projects 7 Weatherization & Energy Efficiency Projects
Housing Services Rehabilitation administration was provided for 45 housing units. 8 Homebuyer education seminars were held and 83 participated attended (12 utilized down payment & closing cost assistance). 47 prospective homebuyers received pre-purchase one-on-one housing counseling 52 homeowners received home maintenance one-on-one housing counseling. 13 participated in the Financial Literacy Workshop to learn how to adjust their finances.
HOME Investment Partnership Funds are provided to eligible low-to- moderate income homeowners: Of the 16 applications that were processed, 7 were denied or withdrawn due to over-income status and 9 were approved. This exceeded the goal of 5 for the year.
Partnership for a New Phoebus Sponsored/participated in the following community input meetings: Jackson & Ryder Fine Arts gallery Opening – Opening of The Point at Phoebus – Shop Small in Phoebus – Phoebus Master Plan approved by Govern – Phoebus Cookie Bazaar – Phoebus Cleanup – Partnership Annual Meeting – Job Creation: Signature Canvas Makers – 1 Part-time production sewer The Point at Phoebus – 2 full-time dishwasher and 1 full time hostess
Support Services to Neighborhood Center Programs Y.H. Thomas Community Center Attendance: 6,497 Out of School Program 1,948 Summer Playground Program 514 Attendees S.E.E.D.S (Strengthening Educational Experiences to create Dynamic Students 98 Senior Health & resource Fair Newtown Learning Center/Little England 160 youth participated in tutoring 55 youth participated in summer enrichment activities 65 adults participated in computer classes 5 special needs adults received computer training
Patterson Avenue Extension The design was completed program year The construction of the road extension will be completed in program year
CDBG Revolving Loan Fund Accomplishments
CDBG Revolving Loan Fund 3% Loan Program No new loans were awarded.
HOME Program Accomplishments
Homeowner Rehabilitation 9 Homeowner Rehabilitation Projects 531 Homeowner Rehabilitation Projects since 1993
Homebuyer Assistance/Homebuyer Club 8 Homeownership Seminars were held: 83 attended 12 received down payment and closing cost assistance 163 Homebuyer Assistance Projects since 1994
Acquisition & Rehabilitation 6 acquisition and rehabilitation projects 5 rehab complete 4 sold 1 for sale 41 acquisition and rehabilitation projects since the program’s inception in 2004.
New Housing Construction 5 pre-development activities started for new construction to be completed in 2015.
Community Housing Development Corporations (CHDOs) 2 new houses constructed by Habitat for Humanity 1 rehabilitation completed