Priority Telecommunications Services: Public Safety Applications National Public Safety Telecommunications Council: Quarterly Meeting - Las Vegas, NV March 15, 2013
2 Introduction Priority Telecommunications Services: GETS and WPS Four Public Safety Applications Are You Prepared - Suggested Next Steps A Final Word Are You Prepared: How will you communicate when an emergency or other circumstance triggers network congestion and/or causes impairment of commercial communications networks?
3 Priority Telecommunications Services GETS: The Government Emergency Telecommunications Service is a calling card that can be used from virtually any telephone to provide priority for official calls WPS: Wireless Priority Service is an add-on feature to existing cellular service subscribed on a per-cell phone basis to provide priority for official calls made from cell phones Federal, state, local, and Tribal Government, and Critical Infrastructure Industry Organizations are eligible for GETS and WPS
4 Public Safety Application #1 Application: Callouts to off-duty personnel, other agencies, critical resource partners, and the public - anyone whom you need to reach via their landline, cell, or satellite phone Solution: Use GETS when unable to complete calls to landlines, cell phones, and satellite phones Example: call from dispatch landline to off-duty responder’s home or cell phone GETS provides Priority across landline and cellular networks to the called landline or cell phone Dispatch Landline Networks Cellular Networks Cellular Network Switch Landline Network Switch GETS calls to cell phones in WPS capable networks receive Priority access on the local radio connection where cell congestion can often block calls Called Party does NOT need to have GETS or WPS..
5 Public Safety Application #2: Application: Special event incident coordination - local cells at the venue can be overloaded during county fairs, sporting events, parades, festivals, concerts, etc. Solution: Use WPS when local cells are congested Example: On-site personnel use WPS subscribed cell phones to supplement radio resources Tip: Pre-program WPS Service Activation Code (*272) + regular number in the phone’s contact list for one-step priority calling
6 Public Safety Application #3: Application: Maintaining leadership communications during an emergency Solution: Use GETS/WPS to access teleconferencing bridges, status recordings, fax, and voice mail (vm: for regular telephone number access only) Example: Late-night conference call with electeds and department heads Mayor’s residence On-duty City Hall WPS Chief of Police Fire Chief WPS City Manager at a Conference Conference Bridge
7 Public Safety Application #4: Application: Maintaining communications at all agency locations Solution: GETS Card at every location Example: MCFD GETS Packet at every station Marin County Fire Department GETS Packet contains GETS Card, GETS User Guide, and laminated “Using GETS and WPS During an Emergency“
8 Are You Prepared? Gap: How will you communicate when an emergency or other circumstance triggers network congestion and/or causes impairment of commercial communications networks? To be prepared: 1.Conduct a “Preparedness Review” of communications needs to/from: landlines, cell phones, satellite phones, fax machines, conference bridges, status recordings, voice mail, etc. 2.Implement (or expand) a Priority Services Program Designate a Program lead Based on your Preparedness Review, identify individuals who need GETS cards and WPS subscribed cell phones, and locations needing GETS cards Request and manage GETS/WPS via the on-line system Provide an internal communication explaining why users have GETS/WPS, and when and how to use them Ensure success: conduct GETS/WPS test call events
9 A Final Word How many Public Safety Practitioners currently use Priority Services? Do they work? What about extreme mass-calling events? Next Generation Priority Services: voice/data/video Service Center: GETS Website: WPS Website: User Assistance: /