Christmas Identity Theft A BIG Problem!
Four Questions… 1.What is Christmas? 1) What do people SAY? 2)What do people SEE? 3)What do people SCHEDULE? 4)How do people SPEND?
Four Questions… 1.What is Christmas? 2.Who do PEOPLE say Jesus is? 1)Good person 2)Great teacher 3)Miracle worker, etc.
Four Questions… 1.What is Christmas? 2.Who do PEOPLE say Jesus is? 3.Who does GOD say Jesus is? 1)Scriptures 2)Angels 3)Biblical people 4)What has happened?
Four Questions… 1.What is Christmas? 2.Who do PEOPLE say Jesus is? 3.Who does GOD say Jesus is? 4.Who do YOU say Jesus is? 1)Agree with people? 2)Agree with God?
Just one more…What will you do differently THIS year? 1)With what you SAY? 2)With what you SEE? 3)With what you SCHEDULE? 4)With how you SPEND?