An opportunity for students to participate in career related experiences not obtainable within the usual classroom setting. The internship is directly related to the student’s career major, or completer program. What is an Internship?
Senior status during scheduled internships 2.5 GPA or better 94% attendance or better HAS requirement met 75 student service hours Completed at least 3 credits of a completer or career major Reliable transportation Acceptable behavior/disciplinary record Internship Requirements
Sometime during your school day During the weekend or evening The summer before your senior year. When does the internship take place ?
Apply classroom learning to real world situations to narrow the gap between theory and practice Develop career awareness Focus on career vs. job preparation Develop and refine workplace skills Observe professional role models and positive work ethics Benefit of Internships
Team work Problem Solving Interpersonal Skills Oral Communication Leadership Writing Skills Computation Skill Reading Skills Additional Benefits Skills Employers Named as Basic.
What does an internship look like?
Examples of Internship Experiences
Ag Science
Law and Legal Business Marketing
Social Work
Life Science
Determine Career Major/Completer Program Met with your counselor and or Career Connection Coordinator. And review program of studies Enroll in appropriate courses. (Specific to career Major/Completer) Next Steps
Career Connections Coordinators Melinda Porterfield CHS Terry Adkins SCHS Marcene Trump LHS Questions?