Transform Disability awareness workshop
* e-dogs-in-school/see-for-yourself/who-would-i- be-if-i-couldnt-see/what-is-it-like-to-be-blind/ e-dogs-in-school/see-for-yourself/who-would-i- be-if-i-couldnt-see/what-is-it-like-to-be-blind/
Learn Braille In One Lesson - YouTube
Letters A to J of the Alphabet (1 st ten letters) - (the rest are based on these)
Letters A to J of the Alphabet (1 st ten letters) - (the rest are based on these)
Letters A to J of the Alphabet (1 st ten letters) - (the rest are based on these)
Using your Braille alphabet, write your first name, last name and the town that you live in.
See if you can create a secret message.