Astrophysics Experiments at FRIB Dan Bardayan (ORNL)


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Presentation transcript:

Astrophysics Experiments at FRIB Dan Bardayan (ORNL)

FRIB Layout, Slide 2Sherrill NN2012 Target Folding Segment 2 Linac Segment 3 Linac Segment 1 Beam Delivery System Front End Reaccelerator Linac Segment 2 Fast Beam AreaGas StoppingStopped Beam AreaReaccelerated Beam Area Fragment Separator Folding Segment 1 LINAC Target Fragment separator Isotope harvesting Gas Stopping Gas stopped beams: Mass measurements Laser spectroscopy Fast beams: Charge exchange Drip line Knockout, Coulex TOF masses Decay studies ReA3 Reaccelerator ReA3 reaccelerated beams: Astrophysical rates Lighter nuclei transfer Coulex ReA6,9,12 Reaccelerator ReA6-12 reaccelerated beams: High spin Transfer reactions  -spectroscopy Fast Beams

General slide about astrophysics at frib

4 FRIB: a game changer for nuclear astrophysics Rare isotopes are common in many astrophysical scenarios FRIB is critical to address a broad range of astrophysics questions H. Schatz, September 2012 rp-process in X-ray bursts/Novae/Supernovae Direct reaction rates (SECAR) Indirect reaction rate studies Masses and p-drip line s-process in AGB stars Harvesting of targets for n-capture on branchpoints Supernova cores Electron capture rates with charge exchange reactions r-process  decay properties Masses Indirect neutron capture rate studies Fission barriers Explosive Si burning in supernovae ( 44 Ti,..) Reaction rates (SECAR) Indirect reaction rate studies p-process in supernovae Direct reaction rates Neutron star crusts Fusion reactions of n-rich isotopes Electron capture rates with charge exchange Masses Complete mapping of n-drip line

6Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name A recoil separator is necessary to directly measure proton-capture reaction in inverse kinematics 


8Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name turbo roots large-area Si detector array high pressure laval nozzle HRIBF beam DRS gas receiver JENSA : Jet Experiments for Nuclear Structure and Astrophysics (Colorado School of Mines, ORNL, LSU, NSCL, UT, Notre Dame + others)

9Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name Active targets for (p,p), ( ,p), etc… ANASEN AT-TPC

10Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name Knockout, transfer,  decay with  s Gretina HAGRID array of LaBr (UTK,Rutgers,ORNL, etc…) Study of  -rays provide powerful probe of nuclear structure of exotic nuclei important for astrophysics. 57 Cu(d,n) 58 Zn(  ) – Montes et al. 26 P(  ) 26 Si(  ) – Wrede et al. 23 Al(  ) 23 Mg(  ) – Zhai et al.

H. Schatz, September Breakthrough in Theoretical Astrophysics  We now have several robust, self-consistent r-process models  To test them against observations  Need nuclear data now! Neutron star mergers MHD Supernova Jets Neutrino driven wind Hoffman et al Winteler et al Korobkin et al. 2012

13Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name Mass sensitivity Brett, Bentley, Paul, Surman, Aprahamian (2012). Sensitivity of calculated r-process abundances to n-separation energies with different mass models. CARIBU FRIB

Stopped Beams Traps and decay measurements CARIBU – 132 Sb

15Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name Stopped beams –decay Madurga et al., PRL 109, (2012) 3Hen NERO Improved half-life model resulted in significant change in r-process calculation.

16Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name Individual n-capture rates important % Abundance Change 132 Sn Rate x Sn Rate x 10 % Abundance Change From Surman, Beun, McLaughlin, Hix, PRC 79, (2009). FRDM HFB RMFT 130 Sn [Rauscher et al., PRC 57, 2031 (1998)] Q(keV) N 2628 keV (7/2 - ) 3404 keV (3/2 - ) 3986 keV (1/2 - ) 4655 keV (5/2 - ) G. S. 130 Sn(d,p) – Kozub et al., PRL (in press) 130 Sn(n,  )

17Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name Transfer reactions on exotic beams ISLA (d,p) as surrogate for neutron-transfer (d,n), ( 3 He, 4 He), etc… Need separator for forward going recoils at 10 MeV/u VAMOS SASSYER

Envisioned expanded fast beam experimental area at FRIB An expanded fast beam area for high-rigidity beams, including a High-Rigidity Spectrometer (~7 Tm – compared to 4 Tm achievable with the S800) will expand the discovery potential and greatly increase the efficiency of the measurements because higher beam intensities for the most exotic neutron-rich nuclei can be achieved HRS, weak reaction rates, spectroscopy EoS, Dripline, Masses S800 <4Tm EoS – HI collisions General purpose Decay station with stopped beams <~7 Tm Very tentative sketch of high-rigidity fast beam area at FRIB.

Overview The opportunities provided by FRIB to study a remarkably broad range of astrophysical questions is compelling. The advances made in astrophysical modeling and observations require precise nuclear data to keep up. FRIB should be rapidly and vigorously pursued – need state of the art experimental instruments (and theory) to take advantage of the opportunities. Thanks to all those I borrowed slides from and sorry for omissions.

Expeditious construction of the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) is the highest nuclear physics priority for the nuclear astrophysics community. Rare isotope data obtained with the unprecedented capabilities of FRIB will be key to the understanding of the origin of the elements, stellar explosions, and the nature of neutron stars. FRIB data will satisfy the nuclear data needs of state of the art astrophysical model calculations, and will be needed to understand observations with present and future ground and space based observatories. The urgency of these motivations was reiterated in the 2012 Decadal Study of the National Research Council “Exploring the Heart of Matter”. We endorse the urgency for constructing FRIB expressed in the report in the strongest possible terms. Proposed statement to the NSAC Long Range Plan Implementation Subcommittee on behalf of participants in the 2012 Nuclear Astrophysics Town Meeting

23Managed by UT-Battelle for the U.S. Department of Energy Presentation_name