Burundi has suffered from war and conflict
Your town or village becomes a very dangerous place to live
During conflict people can struggle to feed their families
People are often forced to leave their homes
Living in a conflict zone is a scary experience
“They will beat their swords into ploughshares, And their spears into pruning hooks.” - Isaiah 2:4
This is David, he is 6 years old
Fines, 18 Pierre, 15 Simon, 10 Jessica, 12 Chantal, 2mths Moise, 4 David, 6 Elias Albine David’sfamily
With their land back, David’s mum and dad are able to grow different crops
Our money helps to build brighter futures for people
It’s just a WEE BOX but it changes lives!
Lord Jesus, We pray for all the people who work for peace around the world, including those in Burundi. May we join their journey, walking beside them and supporting them. May we also be peacemakers in our own lives. Bless the work of SCIAF and help us to remember our neighbours, both near and far. Amen
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SCIAF 19 Park Circus Glasgow G3 6BE Scotland, UK Tel: Web: SCIAF is the official international aid agency of the Catholic Church in Scotland. SCIAF responds to emergencies around the world and supports partners in 16 countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. SCIAF also campaigns for a more just world. Photo credits: Thomas Omondi, Sean Sprague, Simon Murphy SCIAF (Scottish Catholic International Aid Fund). 19 Park Circus, Glasgow, G3 6BE. Charity No. SC Company No. SC