Welcome to International Tutor Training! 16 th and 18 th of March 2016 Anne Kurkela |
First training session Wednesday 16 th : Auditorium 1, Kotkantie Campus 15:00 Opening words, Anne Kurkela Basics of Tutoring in Oulu UAS, Anne Kurkela 15:20 OSAKO’s international affairs, Patricia Virsinger 15:30 International Tutor’s Guide, Patricia Virsinger 15:50 Dinner break (40 min) 16:30 Välkkylä info, Patricia Virsinger 16:40 Group dynamics, Sami Heinonen 17:00 Supporting students in different situations, group works and discussion Coffee & Tea 18:15 International tutoring in different campuses / International Tutor Representatives, Dividing into groups according to campuses 19:15 ESN & cooperation with international tutors, ESN Oulu president Janne-Pekka Nyman 19:45 Tutoring courses and study credits, Tutor Pass usage, Anne Kurkela 20:00 Closing of the first session
Second training session Friday 18 th : Auditorium 3, Kotkantie 15:00 Opening words of the second session, Anne Kurkela 15:05 International tutoring in different campuses / International Coordinators, Bastian Fähnrich, Kotkantie campus Piritta Nätynki, Teuvo Pakkalan katu campus Ulla Alanko, Professorintie campus 16:00 Support services: Study Psychologist Services, Matleena Korhonen 16:20 Support services: Oulu Evangelical Lutheran Congregations' International Work, Salla Tuominen 16:40 Dinner break (50 min), Kultturelli 17:30 Tutoring process through the degree programme, Patricia Virsinger 17:40 Settling down in Oulu, Adrian Canales 18:00 Panel discussion with a degree and exchange students, Sami Heinonen 18:40 Tutor agreements, feedback and coffee & tea 19:00 Get-together party for new international tutors
Get-together meeting for all new International Tutors! at OSAKO’s office’s livingroom in VälkkyläVälkkylä Games, fun and free time! You can walk with us! Snacks You can bring your own beverages City Biljard in VälkkyläVälkkylä Sauna (own towel) Billiard If you have problems finding the place, contact Patricia Virsinger, OSAKO’s international affairs correspondant:
For International Tutors Badge and T-shirt International Tutor’s Guidebook’s Abstract Spring party for all tutors 21st of April on Walhalla (Hietasaari)Hietasaari Christmas party for all tutors Mandatory international tutor meeting once a semester arranged by OSAKO Fall meeting 2016 Spring meeting 2017 About once a month International tutor meetings on your campus arranged by your Tutor Representative or International Planning Officer
What is expected of me as an international tutor? To act as a responsible tutor A peer guide with experience Responsibilities and roles defined in this training and in the practical group assignments Share information and answer questions Activeness Tutor Pass Supporting the grouping of the new international students Doing the mandatory and more
Facebook Join groups: ”OSAKO International Tutors ” ”OUAS International Degree Students” Oulu UAS Exchange Students autumn 2016/spring 2017 Follow ”The Student Union of Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OSAKO)”The Student Union of Oulu University of Applied Sciences (OSAKO) Add ”OSAKOn koulutussihteeri Anne Kurkela” & Patricia Virsinger to your friends!
Basics of Tutoring in Oulu UAS Tutoring is organized by Student Union OSAKO Based on a contract made with Oulu UAS Includes: Tutor trainings, coordinating of tutor actitivies, organizing the tutor team meetings, tutoring for students with special needs and developing tutoring in general Basically: Students organize their peer tutoring themselves, as a student to another, through Student Union OSAKO! Basic Tutors, International Tutors (that’s you!), Sports Tutors, Culture Tutors and Experience-tutors (tutors who continue tutoring for more than one year)
Well-being tutoring What? Well-being tutors are former sport and culture tutors The main point is that students collect groups themselves (tutors can also collect a group) and decide which sport or culture event they want see or try. Then they call the well-being tutor and the tutor finds out where it is and what is the price of the event Then the tutor (or tutors) fills a project assistance application to OSAKO and OSAKO’s social affair person decides, how much grant would OSAKO give for the group of students. OSAKO will pay the tutor’s costs You can find OSAKO’s project assistance application here: osakoweb.fi/en -> Materials -> Project assistance OSAKO rewards active tutors
Student tutoring in Oulu UAS International tutoring 3 crBasic, Finnish tutoring 3cr Sports and culture TutoringExperience tutoring Tutor Tutor team Tutor Representatives Oulu UAS’ & OSAKO’s contract about tutoring services OSAKO’s secretary of educational affairs and board members
Tutoring is a part of student guidance
You are never alone Teacher tutors and guidance counselors play an important role during the whole studies and tutors can always direct students to them, if a student is in need of more professional guidance. Staff at the international services, other tutors, tutor representatives, OSAKO’s secretary of educational affairs and board members, et c… Ask help! Collaborate! Do together!
Study Ability Theory In groups of 2-3 How can a tutor support the student’s study ability? Make at least one example on every level: health and resources, study skills, study environment, teacing and guidance activities Compare the answers with another group! What is the easiest and the most effective level for a tutor to support student’s study ability? What is the most difficult level for a tutor to support student’s study ability?
Patricia International Tutor’s Guide: > Tuutorointi > Material for international tutors > Guides Make notes to your abstract!
OSAKO’s International Affairs ActionsPerson in charge Advocacy Questionnaires, polls, position papers, etc. Leading the International Team International Affairs officer of the Board International tutoring Helping the Secretary of Educational Affairs in recruiting tutors, planning and executing the tutor trainings Guiding the tutors International Affairs officer of the Board International events Event organizing once a month Event planning in the International Team International Affairs officer of the Board International student exchange Planning and executing the Go Abroad campaign Giving out grants twice a year Organizing orientation for returning students Secretary of Cultural Affairs Friend family programme Recruiting friend families and students Launching and monitoring the programme Secretary of Cultural Affairs Other support activities for international students Counseling, guidance etc. International affairs officer of the Board Secretary of Cultural Affairs
Tutoring courses Y00027E International tutoring 3r Participation in international tutor training Acting as an international tutor for one full academic year Get Tutor Pass marks! Participation in the international tutor meetings: 1. International tutor meetings are arranged about once a month by your Tutor Representative (sometimes also International Planning Officers) + Twice a year tutor coffees on your campus 2. OSAKO’s international tutor meetings in fall and in spring All tutoring courses: from-tutoring/ from-tutoring/
How to apply for study credits? Make a study diary and a monthly report + fill the tutor pass with markings! Guide to making a study diary and a monthly report in OSAKO’s website: tion/tutoring-documentation/material-for-international- tutors-en/guides-en/ tion/tutoring-documentation/material-for-international- tutors-en/guides-en/
Comprehensive tutoring 4 cr Basic tutoring (3 cr) into Comprehensive tutoring (4 cr). One extra credit implies gained experience in peer counseling and deepened knowledge in tutoring. One extra credit is earned: By doing sports or culture tutoring or continue tutoring for one year: Experience tutors, also known as callidus tutors, can help in the middle and end parts of the studies. They have experience of some matters which are still puzzling other students. With his/her experience, a callidus tutor can support in the planning of studies and seeing the big picture with e.g. helping with choosing the specialization, picking a practical training position, thesis and considering exchange possibilities.