 This article is meant to show the effectiveness of using high-end, advanced technology to teach ELL students  The main piece of equipment mentioned.


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Presentation transcript:

 This article is meant to show the effectiveness of using high-end, advanced technology to teach ELL students  The main piece of equipment mentioned is the interactive whiteboard---or “Smart Board” as we called it in my highschool

 The students will enjoy it more because it is hands on.  The students will enjoy it more because it is fun.  They will be willing to accept more responsibility because they will want a chance to use the board.  It will make the classroom more “learned- centered” where the teachers and students can learn together

 Empirical evidence was taken and there were very strong indicators that the students in the ELL classes who implemented the Smart Board technology made more significant improvements than the classes that did not.  The evidence also showed that the disparity between the ELL students and regular students in both reading and math classes was shortened.

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