Terms Foal: young horse – up to one year of age Filly: young female, up to 3 years of age Colt: young male, up to 3 years of age Gelding: castrated male horse Mare: mature female, 4+ years Stallion: mature male, 4+ years
History & Background Brought to North America by Columbus Uses have varied - Food Military Racing Rodeo Horse Shows Agriculture Transportation 75% of horses in US for recreation/personal pleasure 25% for ranching, racing, breeding, other commercial purposes
Classifications Horses are measured in ‘hands’ – one ‘hand’ is 4 inches Measured from ground to top of withers 14-2 hands = 58 inches Ponies are anything under 14-2 hands Horses are anything at or over 14-2 hands
Classifications, continued Donkey – also known as burros Jack – male donkey Jennet – female donkey Mule – cross between a jack & mare Hinny – cross between a jennet & stallion
Growth Foaling – giving birth Not one particular season that’s most common for foaling like there are with livestock, although higher conception rates in spring Wean foals around 4-6 months of age
Digestion & Feeding Monogastric System BUT also hind-gut fermenters Horses can digest more forages than other monogastrics due to larger cecums Cecum is a section of the colon where digestive bacteria break down roughage
Breeds Over 300 breeds worldwide! Appaloosa Quarter Horse Clydesdale Shetland Pony Paint Tennessee Walking Horse