Elements of Music
Clefs Found at the beginning of music. Tell the player whether to read treble clef or bass clef. Treble also called G clef. Bass also called F clef. Treble clef instruments are flute, clarinet, trumpet, saxophone. Bass clef instruments are trombone, baritone, tuba.
Musical Alphabet Lines of Treble clef. –EGBDF Spaces of Treble clef. –FACE Lines of bass clef. –GBDFA Spaces of bass clef. –ACEG
Tempo Speed of the music. Time signature –tells the player how many beats and which note gets the steady beat.
Tempo Markings Allegro. –Fast Largo. –Very Slow Moderato. –Moderately Adagio. –Medium Slow Larghetto –Slow Bright. Andante –Walking tempo March tempo
Dynamics Volume in music. Notated in letters: p, mp, f, mf, ff,pp. Crescendo/decrescendo. Diminuendo.
Rhythm Big beats are divided into rhythms. Whole note = 4 Half note = 2 Quarter note = 1 Whole rest = 4 Half rest = 2 Quarter rest = 1
Timbre Means tone color. It’s what makes a flute sound like a flute. Overtones.
Form How music is organized. Binary= 2 parts to a song. Ternary= 3 parts to a song. Rondo= One theme reoccurs Theme and variation= One theme, then the theme is changed.