6/24/2016 Using Boolean Operators AND, OR, NOT
6/24/2016 Let get started! Searching the NET can be a daunting task. You could spend hours on an unfocused quest. The NET can be organized into sensible information by using search tools.
6/24/2016 Boolean Operator AND If you enter AND between two words then your search will only yield documents that contain both words, narrowing your search. If you enter goldfish AND guppies then your search will yield only documents with both words.
6/24/2016 Boolean Operator OR If you enter OR between two words then your search will look for either word (you don’t care which word), broadening your search. If you type in goldfish OR guppies in your search engine then your search will yield documents that contain the word goldfish or the word guppies.
6/24/2016 Boolean Operator NOT NOT tells the search engine to disregard those documents that contain a word. This is a powerful command and should be used sparingly.
6/24/2016 If you search goldfish and guppy and gets lots of information about swordtails, you might be tempted to try NOT swordtails. But what if the best authority on goldfish is an authority on swordtails, too? What if her name is Irma Swordtail? You could miss lots of information. Why not Not?
6/24/2016 Take a look at this short video
6/24/2016 Now give it a try! With a little practice, you can save hours of time in cyberspace and focus on the task at hand!