OSNOVNA RAZINA OSNOVNA RAZINA ČITANJE (6 tasks) – 40% PISANJE (40-60 words) – 30% PISANJE (40-60 words) – 30% 60 min. SLUŠANJE (4 tasks) – 30 % 25 min.
VIŠA RAZINA ČITANJE (5 tasks) - 1/3 70 min PISANJE ( words) – 1/3 75 min SLUŠANJE (4 tasks) – 1/3 35 min
PISANJE - HOW TO WRITE AN ESSAY CRITERIA: 1.WORKING OUT THE TOPIC (RAZRADBA TEME) Organise paragraphs Write ideas in notes Write the essay Read questions Check
1. Introduction - general statement, do not copy the text of he task 2. The body - paragraph 1 - key sentence, first argument, discuss, second argument, discuss, third argument, discuss - paragraph 2 - key sentence, first argument....third argument, discuss strictly 1 paragraph for, one against with same number of arguments 3. The conclusion - summarise the main points, add your thoughts or message, do not repeat, do not give new arguments
2. VOCABULARY A sufficient range of language to give clear descriptions Using some complex sentences and structures (complex connectors) Write in formal or neutral style Correct spelling
3. GRAMMAR A relatively high degree of grammatical control More complex structures ( modals, conditionals, passive, gerund, participles) Not many contractions
4. COHERENCE AND COHESION It is easy to follow the thoughts Logically connected Cohesion - linking For connection or addition (also, in addition to, furthermore, moreover, too, therefore) To compare or contrast (however, nevertheless, despite, as opposed to, on the other hand, although) In conclusion (to conclude, after all, finally, to summarise, to sum up)
Write an essay of words. Your essay should have an introduction, body and conclusion. Topic: Some people say that Turbo Folk has a bad influence on teenagers. Others say it is harmless fun. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. One of the most popular music generes in the former Yugoslavia is certainly Turbo Folk. People have different points of view as far as Turbo Folk is concerned. A great deal of croatian population is a big fan of this music genere. Others belive it’s just commercial rubbish and extremly harmful. To start with the good sides of Turbo Folk, and there are surely a few. In first place, Turbo Folk music is very easy to relax to and dance to, as well. Furthermore, you don’t need to concentrate on the music or the ritam, because it’s mostly the same. What’s more the songs are really catchy so you can sing along and adapt to the crowd easily. Working out:5; Vocabulary:4.5; Grammar.5; Coherence and cohesion:5
I heard a few Turbo Folk songs and I personally have nothing against it. But in other hand many people usually missunderstnd the point of what are that songs about. Some people think that all that songs have only serbian thematik and hate all of them because of that and don’t love anything about it. Furthermore they think then it has a bad influence on listeners because they don’t want them to listen Turbo Folk music.Many times people who listen Turbo Folk in some clubs, they often start to behave strange, drink a lot and make damage around. That is the main reason why usually people hate it, but on other side are listeners and they love it because they can do whatever they wish to do. Working out:2; Vocabulary:3; Grammar:3.5; Coherence and cohesion.2
SPEAKING In pairs, question cards 1. Introduction – the speaker asks questions in turn : 2min 2. Each student talks on the topic: 4min 3. The students discuss the topic together: 3min 4. The speaker asks about opinions, explanations: 3min 4 criteria: - vocabulary and grammar use of complex sentences without much searching for words can use the language accurately, with good grammatical control without much sign of having to restrict what he wants to say - pronunciation - pronunciation stress, rhythm, intonation - fluency - fluency a fairly even tempo with few long pauses can use the language fluently marking clearly the relationships between ideas(cohesive devices to link, coherent discourse) - interaction - interaction can interact ( nod, repeat last words, falling & rising intonation, final phrase, ask questions, shouldn’t disagree)