Time Management and Social Work Practice Click Play to advance the presentation
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1.View the Presentation 2.Complete the Field Activity 3.Discussion with your coach (and in some cases, your new co-workers) You are Here Go back to Canvas Afterward This self-paced presentation is part of an instructional sequence. (Click the step buttons at lower left to advance the presentation) HOW TO USE THIS PRESENTATION
Hello and Welcome…
Must have specific strategies to manage tasks…
… and to manage time.
9 Strategies to Manage the Chaos Know your responsibilities Use to-do lists Prioritize Use organizational tools Use existing resources Manage the external environment Manage yourself Manage clutter Make peace with good enough
Strategy #1 – Know your responsibilities Create checklists and cheat sheets Overall list of job duties See Next slide Task specific tools See Slide 12 Commit yourself only to your job responsibilities ◦Know what you can’t realistically do (even if you’d like to) ◦Set boundaries ◦Delegate and recruit help
Casework cheat sheet examples Read Me First CPS Job responsibilities CPS Job responsibilities (2012) CPS Investigations Flow CPS Investigation Nuts and Bolts FVS Job responsibilities FVS Job responsibilities (2012) CFWS Job responsibilities CFWS Job responsibilities (2012) CFWS Gameplan Click here to learn how to open the links in this presentation.
Example checklists for specific tasks Court Report Checklist Health and Safety Visit Checklist
Strategy #2 – Use To-Do Lists Take notes during everything Case specific to-do lists ◦ExampleExample Master to-do list for important tasks Manage your master to-do list daily AM, PM, or both
Strategy #3 – Prioritize When everything is important, nothing is important
Prioritize What Must get done? ◦Child safety ◦Court directive ◦Supervisor’s directive How to organize the rest ◦What is due soon/overdue? ◦What is causing anxiety or stress Tackle the most difficult or negative task when you’re at your best ◦What is almost done Closing/ transferring cases Seek guidance from your supervisor when more than one thing can’t wait
Strategy #4 – Use Organizational Tools Actual calendar ◦Color code activities ◦Pad due dates Generic Weekly calendar ◦ExampleExample Use computer to generate reminders ◦FamLink ◦Outlook
Using Organizational Tools FamLink Ticklers: Quick Help Guide Ticklers Overview Manual Ticklers Tickler Search NOTE: You must have access to the Children's Administration Intranet to be able to view these resources.
Using Organizational Tools Organizational tools in Outlook Overview of Outlook Calendar tools To-do bar (video)video Other ideas for using Outlook
Strategy #5 – Use existing resources
Using existing resources Use Templates ◦Store all word documents in folders ◦Label by type of work, case or both The DSHS Forms drive: The DSHS Forms drive ◦Forms already exist for many routine communication needs
Strategy #6 – Manage External Environment Interruptions ◦Use/create protected time Others who monopolize your time Limit to 1X per week phone call Suggest for regular communications Travel Time ◦Have work in case of no-shows ◦Plan around traffic as possible Court
Strategy #7 – Manage Your Self Manage procrastination ◦Do the hard stuff first When do you feel your best? How and when do you waste time? Take defined breaks ◦Refresh your mind and body ◦Do an easier task as a break Create routines Limit social time
Strategy #8 – Manage Clutter
Manage Clutter All paper should have a place Create a routine: ◦File, Toss or To-do Items that are frequently used should be physically easy to access ◦Ready to be taken in the field “For reference” paper needs a place ◦Do you really need to keep it?
Strategy #9 –Good enough Knowing when enough is enough
Good Enough ◦Create a daily or weekly mental reward for keeping up ◦Celebrate milestones (closing a case, getting your case notes up to date)
The Bottom Line The Bottom Line Routines work ◦Schedule and protect blocks of uninterrupted time ◦Manage your to-do list daily Tips from the field - #1 Tips from the field - #2
Strategy #9 –Good Enough Do what you can… And let the rest go.
Strategy #9 –Good Enough Do what you can… And let the rest go. Click Play to restart presentation