Making Word Documents Accessible Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference May 2014 Angela Ashpole Al Holloway Sara Simons
Rationale and Aim Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference May 2014 Ensuring learning and teaching practices are inclusive of disabled students can also enhance the learning opportunities of all students (QAA, 2010). Indeed, May and Bridger (2010) argue that in order to embed widening participation and equality, Higher Education needs to be doing things differently as opposed to doing different things. The following interactive presentation aims to demonstrate how by doing things differently we can enhance the learning for all students and simplify our working practices.
Outline of session Paper activity. Screen readers. NILE and Ally. Questions. Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference May 2014
References May H. & Bridger K. (2010) Developing and Embedding Inclusive Policy and Practice in Higher Education. Higher Education Academy Quality Assurance Agency (QAA) (2010) Code of Practice for Disabled Students.Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. Gloucester
Angela Ashpole Al Holloway Sara Simons Northampton Learning and Teaching Conference May 2014