Valuing Wealden’s heritage
National Planning Policy Framework Sets out the planning policies for England and how these are to be applied. “The purpose of the planning system is to contribute to the achievement of sustainable development” (paragraph 6 of the NPPF). Three broad roles: economic, social, environmental. The environmental role is “contributing to protecting and enhancing our…historic environment…." amongst other things (paragraph 7).
NPPF Historic Environment policies Section about conserving and enhancing the historic environment at paragraphs 126 to 141. Chapter 12: Conserving and enhancing the historic environment The objective of the policies is to maintain and manage change to ‘heritage assets’ in a way that sustains and, where appropriate, enhances its ‘significance’.
NPPF and Significance In order to make a sound decision a planning authority needs to understand from the applicant the significance of any heritage asset affected (paragraph 128). Significance is the value of a heritage asset to this and future generation because of its heritage interest, which may be archaeological, architectural, artistic or historic. Significance may derive not only from its physical presence but also from its setting.
NPPF and Heritage Assets Listed Buildings Conservation Areas Locally important buildings, structures and areas with historic merit Scheduled Monuments Archaeological sites
Conservation Areas Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 “areas of special architectural or historic interest the character or appearance of which it is desirable to preserve or enhance”. 26 existing conservation areas in Wealden.
Conservation Area Appraisal – Duty of the Wealden District Council The Local Planning Authority is under a duty to designate conservation areas within its locality and to review them from time to time. The Act imposes a further duty on local planning authorities to review the extent of their functions and if need be to designate any further parts of their area as conservation areas.
Wealden Local Plan- Conservation Area Appraisals
Conservation Area re-appraisals All 26 existing conservation areas have been re- appraised and recommendations made for boundary changes.
New conservation areas The entire District has been surveyed to identify potential new conservation areas. 12 new conservation areas are proposed.
Selection Criteria
Fletching Tithe Map c.1840 (ESHER)
1874 First Edition Ordnance Survey Map (ESHER) 1909 Third Edition Ordnance Survey Map (ESHER)
Consultation on Conservation Areas There is no legal requirement to consult the public before designation, however, LPAs are encouraged by central government to do so. Upon designation, the council must place a notice in the London Gazette and at least one local newspaper and must inform the Secretary of State and Historic England of the designation. Must also register the designation as a land charge. There is no formal duty to notify current owners or occupiers individually.
Previous Consultation Consultation with Parish/Town Councils and Local History Amenity Societies took place in Officers visited Parish/Town Councils as part of initial consultation. A written consultation was sent to Parish and Town Councils, and all Local History Amenity Societies in relation to the Conservation Area project. The responses to this consultation have been used to help inform the selection of potential new conservation areas and/or boundary changes to existing conservation areas.
Current Consultation Currently consulting on the Conservation Areas as part of the Local Plan Issues, Options and Recommendations. All residents received a flyer through the post Notice in the local press Information on the website Public exhibitions Consultation for 8 weeks from Monday 19 October 2015 to 5pm Monday 14 December 2015.
Current Consultation Existing and proposed conservation areas contained within the Wealden Local Plan - Issues, Options and Recommendations - Conservation Areas Consultation Paper (October 2015) Details of the consultation, all the documents and location of deposit points where documents can be viewed is online, along with details of how to respond to the consultation: Building_Control/Planning_Policy/Delivery_and_Site_Allocations _Local_Plan/PPolicy_WLP_IsseusOptionsRecommendations.aspx
Future Consultation The next stage of consultation on the Local Plan will be Proposed Submission of the Local Plan towards the end of Consultation in respect of the Conservation Areas will relate to the detailed written appraisal -will not comprise a consultation on potential inclusion or exclusion of parts of, or all of, existing or proposed conservation areas. Nor will there be an opportunity at this next stage to suggest new areas for designation as a conservation area within the District.
Development within Conservation Areas Control over demolition of unlisted buildings; Control over works to trees which are not subject of a Tree Preservation Order; Fewer types of advertisements with deemed consent; Restriction on the types of development which can be carried out without the need for planning permission (permitted development rights), including roof extensions, cladding, satellite dishes on front elevations and some types of extensions.
What we do to protect and enhance the historic environment Listed Building Enquiry Forms. Listed Building Surgeries. Work with Development Management when assessing applications that affect the historic environment and heritage assets. Work with Planning Enforcement Officers.
The Conservation Team Joanna Tucker – Senior Heritage Officer Melissa Cooper – Conservation Officer Enforcement and Environment: