Using Assisted Living to Speed & Clear the Planning Path David Driscoll
“That new building is so big…”
“Dozens of speeding granny scooters on the pavement.…”
General Needs Housing Sheltered Housing Supported Living Nursing Homes Hospitals Assisted Living Services Care Homes The Continuum of Care
What is Assisted Living? Wikipedia Assisted living residences or assisted living facilities provide supervision or assistance with activities of daily living McCarthy & Stone Assisted living bridges the gap between one of our conventional retirement living developments and a residential or nursing home BUPA Purpose designed apartments and bungalows provide independent living, with access to a full range of care services if required Sunrise Offering care and assistance with the activities of daily living
What is Assisted Living? E.A.C. A form of housing with care designed for older people
Characteristics of Assisted Living? Living at home – not in a home Having one’s own front door Flexible Care according to individual need Opportunity to preserve or rebuild independent living skills Accessible building with smart technology to help keep people independent Building a community Ref : CSIP – Extra Care Housing Tool Kit
Use Class Order, T&CPA
“C” Classes
RTPI - Good Practice Note No.8 “Purpose built accommodation in which varying amounts of care and support can be offered and where services are shared”
Private Sector Assisted Living Brands
Care is key to establishing C2 use
So how do we speed up the planning process? Reduce the number of appeals Recruit more Planning Officers & Inspectors Prolong the housing slow down?
Fail to prepare; prepare to fail Be realistic about what your site can sustain Early discussions with planners, councillors and local community Emphasise the positives, listen to the negatives Make the architect fit his design into the local area, not just a statement building Provide the planning office with full information pack including pictures of what it will look like Go to the planning committee before your application is due to be heard Be prepared to speak at committee Communicate
Fail to prepare; prepare to fail Annual Service & Commissioning Plans Local Area Arrangements The Local Older Peoples Strategy Local Housing Strategy Housing for Older People Strategy Local Development Framework Carers Strategy Community Plan Supporting People Plan Local Development Framework and Regional Spatial Strategy Independent reports
Here’s some C2 Assisted Living achieved earlier Green Belt Location Adjacent to listed building & in a Conservation Area 65,000 sq ft on 0.9acresCliff Edge, backland development