1 Better windows = better buildings. Growing market in Poland. Belgrade, 15th December 2015 Tomasz Gelio
2 Factors to influence market growth Regulation focused on reduced energy consumption and provide internal comfort Funds supporting better residential buildings (new and renovated) Commercial buildings with „green certificates” are easier to lease or sell Creativity of Polish entrepreneurs Strong activity of branch associations and unions
3 Belgrade & Warsaw = cold winter & hot summer temp.[ o C]
4 Regulation for windows in new buildings for vertical windows (all sizes) max U w = 1,7 W/(m 2 K) till 31st December ,3 W/(m 2 K) till 31st December ,1 W/(m 2 K) till 31st December ,9 W/(m 2 K) since 1st January 2021 no limit for window surface on the facade when U w < 1,5 W/(m 2 K) till 31st Dec ,9 W/(m 2 K) since 1st Jan Solar Factor g≤0,50 till 31st December ,35 since 1st January
5 In plans new tools for existing buildings Energy efficiency labelling for replacement windows
6 Support for less CO 2 emission in residential Grants for new houses/appartments with limited demand for energy for heating and ventilation in kWh/(sqm*year) 2 levels: NF15 (upto EUR) and NF40 (upto 7500 EUR) From National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management with state economic bank (thermomodernization objectives) - many different editions, also for renovating houses (incl. windows replacement) = special loans with low interests or reimbursements
7 Commercial buildings with green certificates LEED = Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design: rating system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council BREEAM = Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Methodology - rating system developed by the Building Research Establishment – Founding Member of the UK Green Building Council.
8 Changes in the last decade change Production of windows and doors [bln EUR]1,2 2,6(+ 117%) sales in Poland [bln EUR]0,91,3(+ 44%) export [bln EUR] 0,31,3(+ 333%) [% in production]25%50% Export of insulated glazing units: [Tm 2 ] (+ 318%) [mln EUR]15,9107,2(+ 576%) average weight[kg/m 2 ]22,928,3(+24%)