STARTER Study do Documents A and B. What do they have in common?
In retaliation for the escape of a prisoner, the SS at Buchenwald concentration camp hanged 20 prisoners, most of whom were Jews. 1942–43
Plenary: Why didn’t more people resist? The Germans executed 51 residents of Bochnia, Poland, in retaliation for an assault on a German police station by members of the underground organization Orzel Bialy (White Eagle). December 16, 1939.
TASK 1 Complete this quiz: What do we mean by the term ‘resistance’? Study the cards in the envelope Choose the cards that show examples of Jewish resistance Make a mind map in your book and add examples of resistance (make a fill a whole page as you are going to add to this) Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust
“Resistance” by Haim Gouri and Monia Avrahami To smuggle a loaf of bread—was to resist To teach in secret—was to resist To rescue a Torah Scroll—was to resist To forge documents—was to resist To smuggle across borders—was to resist To chronicle events and to conceal records—was to resist To hold out a helping hand to the needy—was to resist To contact those under siege and smuggle weapons—was to resist To fight with weapons in streets, mountains and forests—was to resist To rebel in death camps—was to resist To rise up in ghettos, among the crumbling walls, in the most desperate revolt—was to resist
TASK 2 Having read the poem, can you add any more examples to your mind map? Watch the animated map from USHMM: Resistance Add to your mind mapResistance Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust SS troops guard members of the Jewish resistance captured during the suppression of the Warsaw ghetto uprising. April 19, 1943-May 16, Warsaw, Poland Source: National Archives and Records Administration
TASK 2 Read the sheet: “Partisan Groups During the Holocaust” ( Military. a member of a group engaged in harassing an enemy, especially a member of a guerrilla band engaged in fighting or sabotage against an occupying army) Make a table in your exercise books – add examples to your mind map Jewish Resistance in the Holocaust LocationForm of resistance Warsaw Ghetto Uprising April 1943 Armed rebellion
Did any anyone resist the Nazis? Listen to the story of Jamila Kolonomos from MacedoniaListen to the story of Jamila Kolonomos from Macedonia How did she survive the Holocaust?
What do you think this is? What is the link between this video clip and this document?
Rescue Danish fishermen (foreground) ferry a boatload of fugitives across a narrow sound to neutral Sweden. Within just a few weeks of the first arrests by the Germans in 1943, some 7,000 Danish Jews managed to make their way to the safety of fishing boats that plied this route.
Jewish Resistance 2. Watch the animated map and complete your question sheet Watch the animated map Watch the animated map 1.Watch the trailer for the film ‘Defiance’. What is this film about?Defiance
RESISTANCE AND RESCUE Watch the video and make notes on the different forms of resistancevideo Work in groups of 4 You will be given some true stories of how some people escaped the Holocaust from Your task is to read your account and feed back to the rest of your group about: Who resisted? How did they resist? How successful? Make notes in the form of a table in your exercise book