Who are fighting? ALLIED POWERS – Great Britain, Soviet Union and the United States ALLIED POWERS – Great Britain, Soviet Union and the United States AXIS POWERS – Germany, Italy and Japan AXIS POWERS – Germany, Italy and Japan
How did each get involved, how did the war start? Causes? Germany Germany Felt resentment about the Treaty of Versailles Felt resentment about the Treaty of Versailles Had economic suffering (depression) Had economic suffering (depression) Rise of dictatorship (Hitler) Rise of dictatorship (Hitler) Took part in aggressive expansion: Social Darwinism – lebensraum (looked to the east?) Took part in aggressive expansion: Social Darwinism – lebensraum (looked to the east?) Ultimately, Hitler went against the Treaty of Versailles to create his empire and invaded areas of Europe in order to do so, this led to conflict (World War II) Ultimately, Hitler went against the Treaty of Versailles to create his empire and invaded areas of Europe in order to do so, this led to conflict (World War II)
Hitler accepts the ovation of the Reichstag after announcing the `peaceful' acquisition of Austria. It set the stage to annex the Czechoslovakian Sudetenland, largely inhabited by a German- speaking population." Berlin, March N (ww2_76.jpg) (ww2_76.jpg)
What did Hitler do that was against the Treaty of Versailles? (page 810) What did Hitler do that was against the Treaty of Versailles? (page 810) How did the other countries deal with this? How did the other countries deal with this?
JAPAN – JAPAN – Seized areas of China Seized areas of China Believed they should modernize Asia Believed they should modernize Asia Wanted Soviet Siberia for resources Wanted Soviet Siberia for resources Wanted resources in Southeast Asia (this would risk war with Europe and the United States.) Remember IMPERIALISM!? Wanted resources in Southeast Asia (this would risk war with Europe and the United States.) Remember IMPERIALISM!?
ITALY – ITALY – Benito Mussolini becomes fascist dictator (like Hitler of Germany) Benito Mussolini becomes fascist dictator (like Hitler of Germany) Mussolini also wants to create his own “Roman” empire. Mussolini also wants to create his own “Roman” empire. He invades Ethiopia. (Why? – think back to our learning of imperialism) He invades Ethiopia. (Why? – think back to our learning of imperialism) Germany and Italy create an alliance called the Rome-Berlin Axis – common political ideas. Germany and Italy create an alliance called the Rome-Berlin Axis – common political ideas.
GREAT BRITAIN – GREAT BRITAIN – At first dealing with Germany, they used the policy of appeasement – if European states satisfied the “reasonable” demands of dissatisfied powers, the dissatisfied powers would be happy and peace would occur. At first dealing with Germany, they used the policy of appeasement – if European states satisfied the “reasonable” demands of dissatisfied powers, the dissatisfied powers would be happy and peace would occur. Germany went too far, went against agreements and invaded Poland – Great Britain declares war on Germany. Germany went too far, went against agreements and invaded Poland – Great Britain declares war on Germany.
"The tragedy of this Sudeten woman, unable to conceal her misery as she dutifully salutes the triumphant Hitler, is the tragedy of the silent millions who have been `won over' to Hitlerism by the `everlasting use' of ruthless force." Ca PP-10A-2. (ww2_78.jpg) (ww2_78.jpg)
. German troops parade through Warsaw, Poland. PK Hugo J.ger, September SFF-52. (ww2_77.jpg) (ww2_77.jpg)
UNITED STATES – UNITED STATES – At first Great Britain wanted the U.S. to help, they used the policy of isolationism – most Americans did not want to be drawn into war again. At first Great Britain wanted the U.S. to help, they used the policy of isolationism – most Americans did not want to be drawn into war again. The U.S. objected to Japan wanting the resources from Southeast Asia, so they issued economic sanctions on Japan for oil and iron. This means Japan could not get these items any more, they needed them!! – Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and European colonies in Southeast Asia. The U.S. objected to Japan wanting the resources from Southeast Asia, so they issued economic sanctions on Japan for oil and iron. This means Japan could not get these items any more, they needed them!! – Japan attacks Pearl Harbor and European colonies in Southeast Asia.
USS SHAW exploding during the Japanese raid on Pearl HarborUSS SHAW exploding during the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor." December 7, G USS SHAW exploding during the Japanese raid on Pearl Harbor
"Pearl Harbor, T.H. taken by surprise, during the Japanese aerial attack. USS WEST VIRGINIA aflame." December 7, G Pearl HarborPearl Harbor
SOVIET UNION SOVIET UNION At first Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact – an agreement not to attack each other. At first Germany and the Soviet Union sign the Nazi-Soviet Nonagression Pact – an agreement not to attack each other. As war progresses, Germany is afraid that the Soviet Union will help Great Britain, Germany invades the Soviet Union. Hitler doesn’t keep promises! As war progresses, Germany is afraid that the Soviet Union will help Great Britain, Germany invades the Soviet Union. Hitler doesn’t keep promises!
Soviet Foreign Commissar Vyacheslav Molotov signs the German-Soviet nonaggression pact; Joachim von Ribbentrop and Josef Stalin stand behind him. Moscow, August JRPE-44. (ww2_79.jpg) (ww2_79.jpg)