TWI Welding Inspection Duties/Terms Course Reference WIS 5 M.S.Rogers
CSWIP Examinations Level 1: 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector TWI CSWIP Examinations Level 1: 3.0 Visual Welding Inspector Level 2: 3.1 Welding Inspector Level 3: 3.2 Senior Welding Inspector M.S.Rogers
CSWIP Examination Requirements TWI CSWIP Examination Requirements Theory part A2: General welding theory & product technology 30 multiple-choice questions. Theory part B2: Specific welding technology. 4 questions from 6. Oral: Specific oral based on nominated code Practical part A2: Inspection of a plate butt weld Practical part B2: Inspection of a pipe butt weld Practical part C2: Inspection of a set of destructive test samples, two macros test to ISO 5817 M.S.Rogers
Main Responsibilities TWI Main Responsibilities Code compliance Workmanship control Documentation control M.S.Rogers
Personal Attributes Honesty Integrity Knowledgeable Good communicator TWI Personal Attributes Honesty Integrity Knowledgeable Good communicator Physically fit. M.S.Rogers
Duties of a Welding Inspector TWI Duties of a Welding Inspector Before Welding. before assembly. after assembly. During welding. After welding. M.S.Rogers
Duties Before Welding Check all documentation Check all consumables TWI Duties Before Welding Check all documentation Check all consumables Check materials, dimensions and condition Preheating, method and temperature Check fit and set-up. Ensure no undue stress is applied to the joint Check welding equipment M.S.Rogers
During Welding Check amperage, voltage, polarity TWI Check amperage, voltage, polarity Ensure the correct technique, run sequence. Check run out lengths, time lapses. Cleaning between passes Interpass temperatures Consumable control Maintenance of records and reports M.S.Rogers
After Welding Post cleaning TWI After Welding Post cleaning Visual inspection of completed welded joint Check weld contour and with PWHT Dimensional accuracy Weld reports Tie up with NDT Monitor any repairs M.S.Rogers
Welding Inspectors Equipment TWI Measuring device e.g flexible tape, steel rule Temperature indicating crayons Welding gauges e.g. TWI multi-purpose gauge Voltmeter Ammeter Magnifying glass Torch/flash light M.S.Rogers
TWI Multi-purpose Welding Inspectors Gauge 60 50 40 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 5 10 15 20 IN MM 60 50 40 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 5 10 15 20 IN MM Angle of preparation The scale reads from 0o to 60o in steps of 5o. The angle is read against the chamfered edge of the segment Misalignment The scale is used to measure misalignment of components by placing the edge of the gauge on the lower one and rotating the segment until the pointer contacts the higher piece M.S.Rogers
TWI Multi-purpose Welding Inspectors Gauge 60 50 40 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 5 10 15 20 IN MM 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 5 MM IN MM 1/2 10 MM 15 20 15 40 50 60 Undercut The scale reads from 0 in the negative up to 5m. The segment is rotated until the pointer reaches the full depth of the undercut. Excess weld metal The scale is used to read off these dimensions up to a maximum of 25mm and 1 inch M.S.Rogers
TWI Multi-purpose Welding Inspectors Gauge 60 50 40 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 5 10 15 20 IN MM 60 50 40 1/4 1/2 3/4 1 5 10 15 20 IN MM Fillet weld leg length The scale is used to read off these dimensions up to a maximum of 25mm and 1 inch. Fillet throat thickness The sliding pointer reads up to 20mm and 3/4 inch. In measuring throat thickness it is assumed that the fillet weld has normal root penetration M.S.Rogers
HI-LO Single Purpose Welding Gauge TWI HI-LO Welding Gauge HI-LO Single Purpose Welding Gauge 1 2 3 4 5 6 Internal alignment Root gap dimension M.S.Rogers
TWI Amp/Volt Meter M.S.Rogers
Terminology Joint Types TWI Edge Corner Lap Tee Butt Cruciform M.S.Rogers
Terminology Joint Welds TWI Terminology Joint Welds Compound Fillet Butt Spot Edge Plug M.S.Rogers
Types of Joint Preparation TWI Types of Joint Preparation Included angle Included angle Angle of bevel Root Radius Root Face Root Face Root Gap Root Gap Single -V Butt Single - U Butt M.S.Rogers
Types of Joint Preparation TWI Types of Joint Preparation Angle of bevel Angle of bevel Root Radius Root Face Root Face Root Gap Root Gap Land Single Bevel Butt Single J Butt M.S.Rogers
Weld Zone Terminology Heat affected zone Weld Junction Weld zone TWI Weld Zone Terminology Weld zone Weld metal Heat affected zone Weld Junction Fusion zone Root M.S.Rogers
Excess root penetration TWI Butt Weld Features Weld cap width Excess cap height Excess root penetration Root bead width M.S.Rogers
Fillet Weld Features Weld face Vertical leg length TWI Fillet Weld Features Weld face Vertical leg length Design throat thickness Horizontal leg length M.S.Rogers
BS 499: part 2. Welding Symbols Dimensions TWI BS 499: part 2. Welding Symbols Dimensions a = Actual throat thickness z = Design throat thickness b = Leg length b = Material thickness z = 0.7 of b z a b M.S.Rogers
Fillet Weld Profiles Mitre fillet Convex fillet Concave fillet TWI M.S.Rogers
Horizontal vertical position TWI Welding Positions Flat position UK (USA): 1G ISO/EN: PA UK (USA) 1G rotated ISO/EN PA Horizontal vertical position UK (USA): 2G ISO/EN: PC UK (USA) 2G Fixed ISO/EN PC M.S.Rogers
Welding Positions Vertical up Vertical down UK (USA) 3G UK (USA) 3G TWI Welding Positions UK (USA) 3G ISO/EN PF Vertical up Vertical down UK (USA) 3G ISO/EN PG UK (USA) 5G ISO/EN PF, PG Vertical Position Pipe fixed Horizontal UK (USA) 4G ISO/EN PE Overhead Position M.S.Rogers
Inclined position fixed Inclined position Rotated TWI Welding Positions 45o 45o Inclined position fixed UK (USA) 6G EN/ISO H-LO45 Inclined position Rotated UK (USA) 1FR EN/ISO L 45/PA M.S.Rogers