New non-destructive test using electromagnetic wave 서경호
Contents Methods and techniques of NDT New Method Basic Theory for New Method Description of the new method Conclusion & Discussion
Methods and techniques of NDT Liquid penetrant testing (PT) Radiographic testing (RT) Digital Radiography Computed radiography SCAR (Small Confined Area Radiography) Neutron radiographic testing (NR) Computed tomography Ultrasonic inspection (UT) Phased array untrasonics Time of flight diffraction untrasonics (TOFD) Internal Rotary Inspection System (IRIS) Visual and Optical testing (VT) Ellipsometry Pipeline video inspection
Methods and techniques of NDT Electromagnetic testing Eddy-Current testing Remote field testing Magnetic-particle inspection Magnetic flux leakage testing Barkhausen testing Acoustic emission testing Infrared and thermal testing Laser testing Leak testing
New Method This method can be used for crack detection of metal pipes in NPP, and furthermore it can be done very cheaply and very easily.
Basic Theory for New Method
Description of the new method
From these two equations, we can find “a” and “d” – crack size.
Conclusion & Discussion Standard non-destructive testing requires relatively heavy and large devices. Radiographic testing requires radioactive materials – this can cause environmental problems. NDT can be done very cheaply by the new method, and this can prevent possible future disaster. In NPP, most of the standard NDT method is not so easy to execute – they are restricted by the NPP environments. New method can be executed by small devices – devices for electromagnetic testing can be carried just by one hand -, and it is clean in the environmental viewpoint.