MCR Minimum Course Requirements A.S. Associate in Science 64 Credit hours Degree to transfer to a 4-year college or university at junior level. A.A. Associate in Arts A.F.A. Associate in Fine Arts Designed for students who intend pursue a career in art, music, or dance. (Partial Transfer) Credit Hours Not a degree Basic Coursework to apply to 4-year The degree you choose is determined by your intended major at a 4-year college or university. You can read more about each option here: Diploma 44 Credit Hours Degree completes General Education
64 credit hours (20-23 classes) Completes general education requirements for a BS/BA & 18 hours of focused elective coursework A general education exemption to students who go to UNC schools (Will not have to do Gen Ed at 4-Year) Student will be granted junior status at UNC schools Can connect major interest with elective coursework
Associate in Fine Arts Visual Arts Music Dance These college transfer degrees match these majors at a university. Associate in Arts Education Business English History Liberal Arts Associate in Science Engineering Pre-Medicine Biology Chemistry Math
Transfer degree check lists allow you to see all the courses you will take at CPCC. You can print a check list online here: n/trc/typesoftransfers
In the CPCC catalog, transferable courses have a statement in italics in the course description which states that the course is included in the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement (CAA). That means that the course transfers to universities. CIS 110 Introduction to Computers This course introduces computer concepts, including fundamental functions and operations of the computer. Topics include identification of hardware components, basic computer operations, security issues, and use of software applications. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role and function of computers and use the computer to solve problems. This course has been approved to satisfy the Comprehensive Articulation Agreement general education core requirement in natural science/mathematics (Quantitative Option). This course is also available through the Virtual Learning Community (VLC). Emphasis is placed on MS Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. CIS 111 Basic PC Literacy This course provides an overview of computer concepts. Emphasis is placed on the use of personal computers and software applications for personal and fundamental workplace use. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate basic personal computer skills. This course is also available through the Virtual Learning Community (VLC). Emphasis is placed on MSWord, Excel, and PowerPoint. Transferable Nontransferable
Your grades at CPCC are very important for admission to a university. Only classes that you pass with a “C” or higher will transfer to a university. Competitive universities require a GPA of 2.5, 3.0, or higher for admission. Specific majors within a university may require a higher GPA than the GPA required for general admission. For example, the minimum GPA for admission to UNC Charlotte is 2.0. Students who want to major in business, however, must have a 2.5 GPA.
The Transfer Resource Center offers a variety of programs and services to help you! Including: Advising College Fair Online Resources Check out the Programs and Services Area of our webpage for more information.Programs and Services
We are here to help you reach your academic goals! Come to the TRC! Location: Central High 100/Levine Campus Hours: 7:30am-5:00pm (Drop-in advising) Telephone: Website:
Feel Free to call or the Transfer Resource Center with Questions!