TUSK - Faculty Overview
General information Describe your course material: Create and modify course objectives Outline the attendance and grading policies for the course Define a reading list Provide information on tutoring services Obtain useful feedback from course evaluations
Content Upload and manage course content: -Upload PDF and MS Word, PPT, and Excel documents -Create and load.html files and existing web pages -Upload images and movies -Upload audio files -Link content files to and from other courses
Communication Communicate with your students: -Set up announcements for the course -Start a discussion board and create an online forum to foster ideas and generate interest -Send out group for quick notification of new changes
Manage Manage groups and assignments: -Manage faculty and staff authors for course content -Manage students and groups within your course -Identify assignments and grading criteria
Interactive Create interactive exercises: -Create student quizzes for self-assessment or as part of your grading criteria -Create interactive case studies to help students approach real-life situations
Tracking Track course materials -See the number of pages views over a given timeframe -See the number of visitors to your course pages