AT MY SCHOOL This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
WHAT’S A “LICEO”? It is a higher secondary school attended by students who are from 14 to 19 years old. It lasts 5 years after which students must do a compulsory exam concerning all the subjects studied. There are two types of “licei”; there’s the classical and the scientific. The first focuses on literary subjects while the second on scientific ones. Ours is a scientific lyceum.
WHY CHOOSE A LYCEUM? The purpose of a lyceum is to teach students abstract thinking: they do not learn practical skills but they receive a complete education (mostly theoretical ) in a number of different subjects. Young people should choose it especially if they want to attend university : it gives the method of studying.
History of the School The Liceo Scientifico "Alfano da Termoli" was born in It is the oldest secondary school in Termoli. It had only 21 students!! In 1956 the high school became a public school.
WHO WAS Mr ALFANO? Our School is dedicated to one of the most illustrious citizens of Termoli " Alfano da Termoli “. Although the region of Puglia was full of great artists from Termoli, Alfano was entrusted with a prestigious work: the tabernacle of the Cathedral of Bari ( Bari in the Middle Ages was one of the most important cities of the South ). To Alfano are attributed, in addition to the Cathedral of Termoli, the tabernacle of Bari’s Cathedral, the pulpit of the Church of San Giovanni in Ravello and the pulpit of the church of Santa Maria Assunta of Ferrazzano.
SUBJECTS AND LESSONS: Each week, in a normal course, we have: -4 hours of Maths -3 “ “ Science (Biology and Chemistry) -3 “ “ Physics -4 “ “ Italian ( Grammar and Literature) -3 “ “ Latin ( Grammar and Literature) -3 “ “ English (Grammar and Literature) -3 “ “ Philosophy -2 “ “ History -2 “ “ Arts -2 “ “ Physical Education -1 “ “ Religion (optional) 2 years ago in this school was introduced another course, the so called “ applied sciences course”, in which students do not study Latin but have to study Informatics and have to do more lab lessons.
THE BUILDING Our school is equipped with four labs and a gym. We have a language multimedia laboratory,a laboratory for physics and another one for chemistry, and an ICT room. In addition, these labs are also made available to students in the afternoon on days when the school is open, to best ensure the attainment of the maximum goals of the student. Finally, another resource of our school is the library, containing a wide range of books collected over a wide span of time, which are made available for the students to borrow.
Encounters with outer experts ACADEMIC ORIENTATION Every years some professors meet the students attending the last year to show them the different opportunities that their universities offer They are invited to spend a day as academic students during the “Open Day” : high-school students can enjoy the lessons, visit the buildings and talk to teachers and people who study there.
MILITARY ORIENTATION For students who are interested in the military careers there are also meetings with the law enforcements like: Police, Carabinieri, Finance police, Army, Cost Guard, etc… To be employed in one of this kind of job you must be graduated. Furthermore, even ex-students of our school, who are attending university or have finished, come back to talk about their experience.
ENCOUNTERS WITH THE AUTHOR Teachers in our school always encourage all students to read, but to find this activity more interesting they invite famous writers in Termoli. They are Italian, emergent or very wll- known, who have written about subjects that the classes have been studying. ENCOUNTERS WITH SOCIOLOGISTS Our school collaborates with the “SERT” (Servizio Dipendenze Patologiche Termoli ) a local association born to help people afflicted by all kind of addictions ( alcohol, tobacco, drug ). Sociologists try to prevent these pathologies, that are very common among teenagers. They explain to them the risks and the effects of these bad behaviours. Also, they illustrate students how to protect themselves from sexual illnesses.
Extracurricular activity Our school offers students a lot of different activities among which we can choose. There are: Two theatre projects ; English certifications (Trinity and Cambridge); Olympic games (Maths, Physic and Chemistry); Sport challenges; Leisure days.
SCHOOL-WORKING TRAINING Among the many proposed projects in our school there is also the combined school / work. The activity combined school / work training is an option for young people aged 15 to 18 years to facilitate the orientation about future career choices through participation in experiences, systematically linking classroom training with that in the world of work activity. The service provides students with the opportunity to enrich their education by acquiring, in addition to basic knowledge, certified credits. It is accomplished through periods of classroom training and periods of experience in the company. The purposes are: Connect classroom training with practical experience; Encourage the orientation of young people enhancing their personal vocations; Enrich the education of students with the skills employable in the labor market; Making a connection between the educational institution and the world of work and society; Correlate the educational offer to the cultural, social and economic development of the territory.