VOCAB Apartheid: legal, rigid separation of races in South Africa Genocide: deliberate mass killing of a religious or ethnic group Epidemic: disease spreading to many people at the same time
VOCAB Caliphate: an Islamic form of government with a leader called a caliph Terrorism: using violence and threats as intimidation
1. EXPLAIN HOW WHITE SOUTH AFRICANS JUSTIFIED APARTHEID They said by keeping the races separated it allowed each one to develop their own culture What was the majority race in South Africa? Black, they made up 70% of the population
1. HOW WERE NONWHITES AFFECTED BY APARTHEID? 1. Pass laws - All nonwhites had to carry a passbook that included the times when they could be in certain white areas; those found without their passbooks were beaten or jailed; those found out of bounds of their passbooks were beaten or jailed 2. Could not vote – the majority population could not vote or run for political office so they had no say in the government 3. Sharpesville Massacre – demonstrators could not gather peacefully or they were fired on by police; 69 dead 187 wounded at a peaceful protest of the pass laws 4. Opposing groups were banned – members of the ANC and other groups were banned and leaders were sentenced to life in prison for sabotage against the government
2. ISSUES AFRICAN GOVERNMENTS ARE FACING TODAY Fixing their economies *main test of the government is to develop a strong economy! Feeding all of their people – starvation is a huge issue in almost all African countries Fighting diseases – AIDS, malaria, yellow fever
3. WHAT ARE THE CAUSES OF AFRICA’S CURRENT ECONOMIC PROBLEMS? Economic slowdowns all over the world – African countries struggled when other economies were slow Foreign aid being cut back – no one wants to loan money to Africa because they are afraid it won’t be paid back Needing to increase exports to pay back debts – Africans do not like relying on other countries for help and want to be able to provide for themselves
4. EXPLAIN HOW AIDS BECAME AN EPIDEMIC IN AFRICA It started in Africa – diseases spread quicker where they originate Colonization – European governments hoarding resources Denial and poor healthcare – do not have the resources to prevent spreading the disease
SOMALIA Start and end years: today Groups involved: U.N., U.S. special forces, Somalis, al-Shabab Important individual people involved: Mohammed Farrah Aidid
SOMALIA What happened? War lords were hoarding food from starving people. The U.S. planned a mission that was supposed to take less than 20 minutes but ended up taking 17 hours. The mission failed and 18 U.S. soldiers were killed, 84 were wounded. Now the U.S. will not get involved militarily in Africa. Today, the terrorist group al Shabab is fighting for control of the chaotic country and pirating has become a major problem Was the U.S. involved: Yes
SUDAN (DARFUR) Start and end years: 2004/2005 – present Groups involved: Arabs, non Arabs, Russia, China, Sudanese army, Janjaweed, SLA, JEM Important individual people involved: Omar al-Bashir
SUDAN (DARFUR) What happened? Omar al-Bashir formed a military dictatorship in Sudan. He wants all of the resources for Arabs, so he has been targeting non Arabs and anyone against his policies. When the SLA and JEM burned oil fields, he unleased the Janjaweed to hunt and kill his enemies. He trades oil for weapons with the Chinese and Russians so the rest of the world does not stop him. Half a million people have been killed, and 2.5 million have been displaced. South Sudan declared independence in Was the U.S. involved: No, we do not want to get involved in a conflict with Russia and China, the media does not cover it, it is not in our best interest
NIGERIA Start and end years: present Groups involved: Boko Haram, Nigerian government Important individual people involved: Abu Bakr Shekau
NIGERIA What happened? The terrorist group Boko Haram wants to set up an Islamic State in Nigeria. They have been attacking innocent civilians based on their support of the organization and the Nigerian government is fighting to get rid of them. Was the U.S. involved: No, it is not in our best interest
RWANDA Start and end years: April 1994 – July 1994 (100 days) Groups involved: Hutu, Tutsi, French, Belgians, U.N. Important individual people involved: none
RWANDA What happened? The Belgians controlled Rwanda and set up a society where the minority Tutsi were the highest in society. Once the Belgians left the Hutu started targeting the Tutsi, which eventually led to the 100 day genocide. Hutu hunted Tutsi and killed them using spears, clubs, knives, and machetes. The U.N. peacekeepers and all Americans in Rwanda were evacuated. The French were the only European power to intervene. In 100 days 800,000 Tutsi were murdered Was the U.S. involved: No, it is not in our best interest
ESSAY Describe apartheid Discuss the effects it had on non whites in South Africa