Group 9 Team Members: Kristen Nelson-Sears, Pao Vue Welcome to Intermediate Algebra (Math 113). OBJECTIVE The objective of this class is to provide an extension of introductory concepts of algebra. New concepts presented are: factoring polynomials, rational expressions, rational exponents and radical expressions, complex numbers, solving quadratic equations, functions, graph and properties of functions, and exponential and logarithmic functions. This course uses problem solving as an integral part of mathematics and helps the learner achieve a positive mind-set toward mathematics, and prepares him/her to go on to next course in Mathematics. The skills acquired in this class have a wide range of applications including, but not limited to, any science, engineering, skilled trades or business. It is also helpful for interpreting statistical information, such as graphs, that presented in a variety of publications. The 1 st lesson for this course will focus on factoring polynomials, and the method of instruction for this topic will be based on Bonk and Zhang (2008), R2D2 model. The lesson plan will use the Reflection and Observational learner part of the R2D2 model. There are a lot of activities planned in this lesson. Doing activities and participating in group work/assignment, discussion board assignment, and independent activities will help learners understand the concept of factoring..
Initial Assignments: The following initial assignments can be accessed by clicking on the Blog, Lecture Presentation, and the Discussion Board. Assignment 1 - Reading Reflection: Learners will read the three methods of factoring posted in Lecture-Presentation. Learners will reflect on their understanding of the three factoring methods presented in the lecture by posting a summary in an individual blog. Assignment 2 - Self-Check Quizzes and Exams Learner will take self-check quiz to determine whether they know the content well enough, and to identify areas where they have deficiencies or misconception. Learners will take an Examination on the concept after they have met the minimum score requirement of 80% Assignment 3 - Discussion Board problems on Factoring Learners will interact with their peers in solving factoring problems posted in the discussion board. Please follow the rules guiding discussion board posted in the syllabus. Please follow rubrics in the discussion board.
Activities for Factoring Lesson These are the activities that reinforce Reflective and Observational Learners in the R2D2. Reading and Reflection Activity Read posted lecture notes on factoring posted on the blackboard under the Lecture-Presentation tab. Post a summary of your understanding of factoring based on the contents of the presentation in a an individual Self-Check Quizzes and Exams Learner will take self-check quiz to determine whether they know the content well enough, and to identify areas where they have deficiencies or misconception. Learners will take an Examination on the concept after they have met the minimum score requirement of 80% Discussion Board problems on Factoring Learners will interact with their peers in solving factoring problems posted in the discussion board. Please follow the rules guiding discussion board posted in the syllabus.