Organization Structure CCA Jt.CCA Dy.CCA ( Vacant) Sr. AO ( Admn) AAO ( Vacant ) AAO ( Vacant ) AO ( Vacant ) AAO (Vacant ) AO ( PVA ) AAO ( PVA ) Sr. AO (Pen.) AAO (Pen.) AO (Vacant) AAO ( Cash ) AO ( USO ) AAO ( Vacant ) Dy.CCA ( Vacant ) Dy.CCA ( Vacant) ACCA (Vacant) AAO ( Vacant ) AO (Vaca nt) AO ( Vacant ) AAO (Vacant ) Sr. AO ( LF & Spectrum ) AAO ( Vacant ) AAO ( Vacant ) Sr. AO (Pen.) AAO ( Vacant ) Dy.CCA (Vacant ) Jt.CCA ( Vacant )
SPACE AND MANPOWER – Space available to CCA office: Sq. meter. – Manpower 18 PostsSanctioned Working Strength (Substantively) ShortfallRemarks CCA Jt. CCA0201 Dy. CCA Astt. CCA01001 AO0804 AAO S.A/J.A3534+1*0*One JA is on deputation PS/PA---- LDCs Gr. D020 Total774829
Functions 1-LF Collection : Approx crores in a year on qtrly basis. 2- LF Deduction Verification of TSPs Deduction verification of pass through revenue of Rs crs. (total GR Rs crs. and AGR Rs crs.) done on quarterly basis based on invoices, vouchers, proof of payments, bank statements, TDS Form 16 A & checking IUC claims etc. 3- SUC collection, assessment and appeals: Approx crs.on qtrly basis. Assessment is done quarterly & annually on the basis of Audited AGR & other audited documents submitted by the TSPs. 4- LF Assessment of ISP-IT.
Revenue Collection S.No. Head LF2,08,10,00,0001,84,49,39,8741,87,69,35,967 02SUC1,11,48,00,0001,12,03,96,6941,10,92,77,669 TOTAL3,19,58,00,000*2,96,53,36,568*2,98,62,13, LF & SUC S.No.Head Penalty of CAF1,67,08,0001,77,41,3001,47,34,000 02EMR Testing1,63,40,0001,40,000002,21,40,000 03OSP Register11,0002,0003,000 04Warehouse Inspection10,0002,53, Service testing fee9,80,0003,96,90,000 06MNP17,58,419 TOTAL3,30,69,0003,29,76,3007,83,25,419 * BSNL Bihar & Jharkhand stopped paying LF & SUC from Ist Quarter contrary to DOT’s order. So loss of approx Rs Crs. in the year , and Rs crs. in the year Other Receipts
3-Other Collections S.N o. Head Year GPF Credit67,26,54,94166,23,11,45379,32,81,471 06Pension Contribution16,41,38,44817,26,01,78019,00,10,351 07Loan & Advance8,11,3269,47,15511,37,833 08Leave Salary Contribution14,17,14517,05,95929,83,571 TOTAL83,90,21,86083,75,66,34782,55,27,172
Expenditure S.No.HeadYear CCA Expenditure4,37,49,7353,89,94,4644,84,22,796 02GPF Debits67,57,95,71662,11,96,19656,53,45,446 03GPF Final Payment12,20,07,3029,43,58,4449,95,39,643 PENSION 04CCA Office49,68,98,53939,09,02,28738,33,87,690 05Banks (13 PSU Banks)54,76,03,70661,89,40,77073,09,99,668 06Postal (31 HPOs)85,48,28,20785,76,76,031100,02,70,369 Total GPF Credit Balance as on 31 st March, 2016 is Rs.200 Crores
Contd. 5-Settlement of USO subsidy claims: qtrly after inspection and checking. Monitoring of NOFN project of BBNL. 6-Leave salary and Pension Contribution :of approx. Rs crs. & Loans & Advances (of DoT period) collection & Accounting. 7-Pensionary settlement: of BSNL/DoT employees (347 cases of Pension or F/P, DCRG, CV etc. 8.GPF Accounting & disbursements. Settlement of monthly claims & 432 final payments settled. 9.FBG/PBG maintenance of Rs. 341 crores of TSPs for securitization of LF and SUC.
Contd. 10-Govt’s Loans & Advances accounting & recovery. 11-Legal cases pursuance & its monitoring. At present 37 ongoing cases related to High Court, CAT, & even District courts. 12-Monitoring of TR Arbitration cases of BSNL : approx 7 general cases pending and 51 MP/Ex MP/VIP cases are pending. 13-Collection of CAF penalty etc., EMF radiation violation penalty, OSP license fee, warehouse inspection fee etc. imposed by the TERM, approx Rs.7.83 Crs. collected. 14-Internal audit of the TERM cells & WMO & also acts as disbursing office to TERM cells. 15-Monitoring of Assets of DOT. 16-Pension Voucher Audit of approx 1,12,000 vouchers annually received from 13 PSU banks and 31 HPOs.
Achievements We ISO 9001:2008 certified unique in DoT and for all works. ISO All softwares of DOT implemented. Like E-payment, GPF module, PVA package, Pension package, C-DDO etc. We implemented online procurement on DGS&D. Website with domain name launched. E-publishing of tenders started, E-tender also to start. Toll free pensioner’s helpline no launched. Pension Adalats are being held on quarterly basis regularly. CPPC Meetings held regularly.
Contd. E Payment of GPF final and Pensionary benefits started. These pertain to Rs. 90 crs from postal and Rs crs from banks. Nil grievance in the office w.r.t. the terminal benefits. S/B & pensioners files for approx cases bound and kept in safe modern storage system( Compactor). Details to be on website of CCA.
Works could be performed by CCA PDA function be given. As we are already doing it before issue of PPO. CGM’ Pension case be finalized at CCA level.