R ADISSON SAS P RAGUE Food cost control action plan training presentation
T HE FLOW OF GOODS FROM ORDERING PROCESS Ordering Receiving Storage Preparation Dinning area
W HAT THINGS AND SYSTEM DO WE NEED TO HAVE IN PLACE BEFORE START TO PLACE THE ORDER FOR FOOD Recipes Accurate Costing Specification Price comparison This enables you to save money before you buy
T HE DELIVERY OF GOODS First of all you must check the details of the delivery note against the purchase order Item brand name Unit price Quantity Specification of quality Delivery date-time Special remarks
A FTER YOU CHECKED THE DELIVERY NOTE AGAINST THE PURCHASE ORDER YOU MUST CARRY OUT A PSYCHICAL CHECK Count goods Check quality Check weight using scale Expiry date Record shortages
R ETURN OF GOODS I NVOICE CONTROL Normally after the end of a period week, decade, month you will receive a statement of account from each supplier that lists the delivered goods, quantities, price and total amount to be paid. It also shows any credit or adjustments made This is checked against each invoice and credit note
S TORAGE CONTROLS After we checked the deliveries in detail we store the goods. This means we need a proper control system in place to track any movements of the goods. Inventory control-which includes regular monthly stock takes We track all movements of goods from the store to any location with a store requisition
E XAMPLE WHAT 1% IN FOOD COST OVER SPEND MEANS IN MONEY TERMS A restaurant with turnover in food per month-28%= 29%= Difference =1 300x12=15 600per year
C ONTROL MEASURES IN THE KITCHEN AND RESTAURANT { COST AND REVENUE CONTROLS } Standard recipes Staff training Regular checking by supervisors Wastage reports Fridge temperature checks Inter kitchen transfers Micros point of sales system Covers report
W ASTAGE FORM, FOOD DISPLAYS AND RECIPES TESTING It is important to fully understand that whatever goods we buy have financial implication on our business Even more with perishable goods we can lose a lot of money through Incorrect storage Wastage Recipe Food displays It is important that we record all of this properly to have an accurate picture of our performance
M EASURING AND MONITORING 2oog steak randomly tested Food and beverage control reports Fridge and dry store check lists Regular food hygiene checks by an auditor Total revenue of sales or average spend Daily food cost Daily checking by supervisors
C OMMITMENT Must come from all team members, but most importantly from the senior management
S UMMARY It is vital to have good control system in place to monitor the goods you purchase to ensure every euro you spend is treat properly. You can fix problems before they occur Even if you have all this in place trust your people but monitoring is still necessary