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David Batten Software Craftsman and Author Crawl, Walk, and Run With Me to Continuous Delivery
This slide is preset with animations Reduce mistakes Help you manage risk Get customer feedback into the system quicker Because you can Why Continuous Delivery?
This slide is preset with animations Super fast Super simple Instant feedback Attempt 1
This slide is preset with animations No source control No tests No integration No automated configuration management Attempt 1 Drawbacks
This slide is preset with animations Source control Continuous integration Quick feedback Automated app configuration management Attempt 2
This slide is preset with animations No tests No automated system configuration management Branching/merging complexity Only automated in Lab environment Attempt 2 Drawbacks
Testing Pyramid
This slide is preset with animations Unit tests Separate tool to manage releases (security and auditing) Attempt 3
This slide is preset with animations No automated integration or acceptance tests No automated system configuration management Attempt 3 Drawbacks
This slide is preset with animations Automated integration tests Automated acceptance tests Automated system configuration management Attempt 4
This slide is preset with animations Immutable infrastructure Auto scaling Fine tuning the system What’s Next?
This slide is preset with animations It's about managing risk It's about automating the pieces that make sense, not necessarily the entire thing It's about complexity trade-offs It's about culture Build binaries once, deploy them n General Considerations
David Batten Software Craftsman and Author Thank You!