Greek Mythology The Olympians
Greek Mythology Ancient Greeks were “polytheistic” Gods were shown to have human form Mt. Olympus is home of the gods
Zeus King of the Gods Supreme Authority of the Earth and Sky Ruler of Heavenly phenomena Often shown with a thunderbolt, scepter, and eagle at feet
Hera Queen of the Olympians Sister and Wife of Zeus Protector of children and married women Carried a scepter with a cuckoo and pomegranate Peacock is sacred to her
Apollo God of sun, archery, music, and healing Often depicted playing a lyre Shown with bow and arrows or a crooked shepherd’s stick
Aphrodite Goddess of love, beauty, and fertility Protector of Sailors Often shown with a dove or dolphins
Ares God of Aggressive War Short tempered and violent Often shown with a helmet and spear
Athena Goddess of wisdom, passive war, and peace Goddess of crafts and art Symbol is the owl Patron goddess and namesake of Athens
Hephaestus Lame God of fire and crafts Protected artisans The Divine Blacksmith Shown with hammer, tongs, and bellow
Demeter Goddess of Agriculture Sister of Zeus Shown with a sheaf of grain and crowned with a ribbon
Hermes Messenger of the Gods God of trade, travelers, and thieves Guide of dead souls to the underworld Shown wearing a round helmet, winged sandals, and a winged staff with serpents wrapped around
Poseidon God of the sea, earthquakes, and horses Brother of Zeus Shown carrying a trident Rode over waves on chariot pulled by white horses Protector of sailors
Artemis Goddess of the moon, wild animals, and the hunt Twin sister of Apollo Shown carrying a bow and arrows Usually accompanied by a dog or doe
Dionysus God of wine and festivity Often shown with a “thyrsos” (pinecone tipped staff)
Hades God of the Dead Brother of Zeus Wore a helmet that made him invisible Carried a scepter with a bird 3 headed dog “Cerberus” with a snake for a tail Sat on an ivory throne
THE END Mount Olympus Elevation: 9,568 feet