Events Leading to WWII Rise of Dictators
Policy of Appeasement European leaders agreed to turn the Sudetenland over to Germany. In return, Hitler promised not to expand Germany’s territory any further.
Italy’s Reasons for involvement Mussolini Benito Mussolini used the Italian resentment of the Versailles Treaty to rally support for fascism—a political system based on extreme nationalism and racism.
Germany’s reasons Hitler Hitler used the bitterness of the Versailles Treaty to rally support for his Nazi Party. Germany was forced to pay large reparations and give up some of its territory He also played on people’s concerns about severe unemployment due to an economic depression.
Japan’s reasons Worldwide Depression made many Japanese frustrated with their government and military leaders rose to power. General Hideki Tojo issues orders in the name of Emperor Hirohito’s name.
Nazi-Soviet Pact Germany and Russia signed a pact agreeing not to attack each other. They secretly agreed to divide up Poland.