People changed jobs every 3 years People on average have 5 careers Many times in your life you will need to conduct a job search. So, It’s important to know the process
Learn the steps for successful job search Review the “must have” marketing tools Job hunting resources Prepare to start search
Identify career goals and objectives › What sort of job am I looking for? › Where do I want to work? › What do I value in my work? Realistically assess your strengths, weaknesses, skills, and abilities Ready your marketing tools
Resume Cover Letter Reference Page & Recommendations Portfolio Polished Interviewing Skills JOBURBAN can help you develop these tools
Identify and rank information on companies: › Largest › Fastest growing › Most profitable Research annual reports of companies Use the web or local libraries › Full Time and Internship Positions › On Campus Recruiting Newspapers & Professional Journals Telephone and Online Directories Minnesota Workforce Center Chamber of Commerce Governmental Agencies
Internet Job Sites 1. Super Sites ◦ Visibility to employers makes these sites popular (e.g., Monster) 2. Hub Sites ◦ Still well know but smaller sites—target specific groups (e.g. The Ladders—for executives) 3. Niche Sites ◦ Smaller sites often associated with a profession or industry association (e.g.,
Use Safe Job Sites Refine your job search using keywords and advance search options Apply to positions you are qualified for Set up Job Alerts or Job Agents Upload and Post your Resume Write a Customized Cover Letter
Develop a systematic list of people who could provide company information and referrals ◦ Family & Friends ◦ Past Employers ◦ Professional Organizations ◦ Faculty and staff Create a list of employers you want to work for—contact these companies for job and internship opportunities
Keep a written log of contacts, callbacks, and interviews. Develop short & long term action plans Seek feedback from others Review and adjust your objectives as needed
Decide on clothes to give you the “professional” look Practice your Interview Skills What to bring— Pad folio, extra resumes, reference page, professional pen, questions for interviewer
Follow up with the employer within 1-2 weeks of sending your resume Always send Thank You Letters after an interview—within 24 hours Follow directions—send the information the employer requests
Job searching takes time—the average search is 4-6 months Remember…Follow up is key Be open minded about potential opportunities
1. Get organized 2. Research the market 3. Network and conduct info interviews 4. Pace yourself & stay with it 5. Prepare for the interview 6. Make sure to follow through 7. Be persistent