Human Resource Development How to Run a Search Committee >, > HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT ACUI CORE COMPETENCY TRAINING MODULE Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Welcome! Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Handshake Shake-Up Find a partner (preferably someone you don’t know), try one of these handshakes, and see if your partner can identify it: The Dead Fish The Vice Grip The Claw The Water Pump The Germ-a-Phobe Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Pre-Test Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Agenda Establish a search committee Plan a meeting of the search committee Run a meeting of the search committee Complete the search committee process Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Establish a Search Committee Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Selecting Committee Members Be sure there are no conflicts of interest. Aim small. Look for members who are diverse, respected, experienced, and able to handle conflict with civility. Consider including students, faculty, and business affairs personnel in addition to student affairs staff. Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Plan a Meeting of the Search Committee How will the committee reach it’s final decision or recommendation? By consensus? Majority vote? What criteria will the committee use to judge applicants? Will there be numerical ranking? Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Institutional Considerations Status of budgeting for the position. Administration’s rules for search committees and hiring. Applicable state laws (public records, public meetings) and federal laws (age discrimination, pregnancy discrimination, disabilities, equal opportunity/equal pay, immigration) Policies of your institution regarding affirmative action and diversity. Ethical standards for student affairs personnel. Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Committee Considerations Nature and purpose of the job being advertised. How the job relates to other positions in the division. Mission and culture of the division and the department doing the recruiting. Qualifications and skills required for the position. Scope of the committee’s authority—making a final decision or a recommendation? Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Run a Search Committee Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Screen the Candidates You may need to meet several times to narrow down the field of applicants. Plan to meet at least three times for an hour each time. 1.Screen all applicants for minimum qualifications. 2.Compare qualified applicants’ credentials against the selection criteria to identify a group of the strongest candidates. 3.Telephone interviews can help narrow the field. Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
During the First Meeting Keep on task. Assign a timekeeper. Have a recorder to take minutes. Articulate the task of the committee and the specific goal of the meeting. Establish expectations for conduct, confidentiality Be sure everyone has an equal opportunity to speak. Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
At the End of the Meeting Determine criteria for each round of selection process Summarize the discussion/decisions. Restate who is to do what tasks before the next meeting. Plan the next meeting date(s). Thank the committee members–remember, they are volunteers. Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Second Meeting Have at least two people review each resume and vote (yes, no, or maybe); chair can break tie, if necessary Review and/or develop new criteria for remaining candidates (split candidates up for review, split the alphabet, switch groups) Plan the next meeting date. Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Third Meeting Have two people review each resume Search should be narrowed down to 8-10 candidates Determine if phone interviews are necessary Plan the next meeting step Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Completing Search Process In-person interviews should be conducted with at least the top three candidates Open-ended questions are best Keep interviews consistent Check references (at a minimum, check two references for the selected candidate) Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Option for Choosing a Candidate Choose one outstanding candidate to hiring official. Rank candidates from “best” to “worst” order. Determine “no candidates are worthy” and request a new search. Re-evaluate position description and/or salary for future searches. Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Search Firms An alternative to standard process Benefits Specialized in higher education jobs Broader reach of candidates Confidential Objective Focused Selective Drawbacks Cost Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Post-Assessment Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils
Thanks for coming! Enjoy the rest of your conference. Developed in 2011 by the ACUI Education Councils