Halloween Halloween is celebrated on the 31 of October in the United States, Canada, Ireland and England.
It has roots in the Celtic festival of Sambain and the Christian holiday All Saint’s Day
Some people tried to ward off witches bу painting magic signs оn their barns. Others tried to scare them away bу nаiling а piece of iron such as а horseshoe over the door.
ghost witch bat
The main symbol of Halloween is a lantern* made of a pumpkin..
Children go in costume from house to house, asking for treats. house to house, asking for treats.
1.Name the birthplace of Halloween o Ireland and Scotland o Japan o America
2. When do the people celebrate Halloween? o On the 31 st of October o At night from 31 st of October to 1 st of Novеmber o On the 1 st of November
3. What do Irish and Scottish people celebrate on 31 st,October? o End of Summer o End of Autumn o Beginning of Winter
4. What vegetables can`t be symbols of Halloween? o Pumpkin o Turnip -репа o Melon -дыня
5. What are traditional colours at Halloween? o Green o Orange o Black
6. What Russian tradition looks like Halloween? o Mammer – ряженый o Songs and Сarols - песни и колядки o Snowman - Снежная баба
7. The people traditionally…. o Scare everybody o Make tricks on others o Make peace with everybody
8. What do people do to scare off witches, ghosts and monsters? o Put food in the doorway o Make a jack-o-lantern and lit a candle inside it o Draw a cross on doors and windows
9. One of Celtic traditions is to leave nuts and fruit in the doorway. What for? o To share with others o To feed the homeless o To please spirits
Match Russian words and English ones. Женщина в белом Домашний дух Гоблин Тыква Ведьма Привидение Дух Эльф Тролль Spirit Ghost Witch Goblin Elf White Lady Pumpkin Troll familiar
Женщина в белом Домашний дух Гоблин Тыква Ведьма Привидение Дух Эльф Тролль White Lady Spirit Goblin Pumpkin Witch Ghost Familiar Elf Troll
Halloween is On the 31 st of October
ORANGE- represents the harvest BLACK – represents the darkness