Success Over the past few years Masonicare has taken a different approach to social accountability Over the past few years Masonicare has taken a different approach to social accountability We began an organization-wide focus for social accountability that we considered to be in keeping with our mission. We began an organization-wide focus for social accountability that we considered to be in keeping with our mission.
Success in three areas We selected a group, or cause, that was in keeping with our mission We selected a group, or cause, that was in keeping with our mission We continued to promote the free community programs that were in keeping with our mission We continued to promote the free community programs that were in keeping with our mission We made our organization available for immediate support for the community in times of crisis We made our organization available for immediate support for the community in times of crisis
The Alzheimer’s Association Masonicare developed opportunities for staff to get involved with the Alzheimer's Association Walk Masonicare developed opportunities for staff to get involved with the Alzheimer's Association Walk This focus relates well to the mission of Masonicare in the areas of person centered care, and quality of life This focus relates well to the mission of Masonicare in the areas of person centered care, and quality of life This is because the Alzheimer’s Association’s focus and research, care giving support and education fits well with our mission This is because the Alzheimer’s Association’s focus and research, care giving support and education fits well with our mission
The Alzheimer’s Association Masonicare has a year long focus on raising awareness of the Alzheimer’s Association Masonicare has a year long focus on raising awareness of the Alzheimer’s Association This includes participation in walks and fund Raising This includes participation in walks and fund Raising Our staff are also represented on the board that plans the walks and other activities Our staff are also represented on the board that plans the walks and other activities
Organization-Wide Focus Examples of fun raising activities Sunflower Sale Sunflower Sale Zumba Class Zumba Class Gentle Yoga Class Gentle Yoga Class T-Shirt Sale for Jeans for a Cause T-Shirt Sale for Jeans for a Cause Basket Chances Basket Chances PTO Day Chances PTO Day Chances Jewelry Sale Jewelry Sale Wine Basket Chances Wine Basket Chances Table at a Craft Fair selling the t-shirts, wine chances and jewelry Table at a Craft Fair selling the t-shirts, wine chances and jewelry
Resident Involvement in Fundraising for the Cause
Walk Team, New Haven
Walk Team, New London
Masonicare Sponsorship of Brain Ball
Ongoing Wellness and Health Education We continued to promote and enhance hallmark programs that fit into the mission of the organization regarding social accountability We continued to promote and enhance hallmark programs that fit into the mission of the organization regarding social accountability We added some additional programs and services that fit into our mission regarding social accountability We added some additional programs and services that fit into our mission regarding social accountability
Heath Educational Programs
Masonicare Helpline A free educational resource A free educational resource Calls range from help with Medicare and Medicaid to questions about healthcare for seniors and availability of services Calls range from help with Medicare and Medicaid to questions about healthcare for seniors and availability of services
Masonicare Community Services A program that provides free in home help with Medicare, Medicaid eligibility A program that provides free in home help with Medicare, Medicaid eligibility Benefits eligibility Benefits eligibility Provided by Provided by “Choices Certified” staff “Choices Certified” staff
Being Available for the Community in trying times
Masonicare provided services and facilities available to the community over the last few years in times of need Masonicare provided services and facilities available to the community over the last few years in times of need This included unprecedented storms and events This included unprecedented storms and events
Newtown Tragedy Made bereavement support available through Masonicare Home Health and Hospice Made bereavement support available through Masonicare Home Health and Hospice Matched contributions from employees to the Sandy Hook fund to help families effected by the tragedy Matched contributions from employees to the Sandy Hook fund to help families effected by the tragedy
Assistance in Storm Emergencies Masonicare made our facilities available for showers and other services with widespread power outages during two Hurricanes and the October snow storm Masonicare made our facilities available for showers and other services with widespread power outages during two Hurricanes and the October snow storm Masonicare provided meals for the National guard during the blizzard of 2013 Masonicare provided meals for the National guard during the blizzard of 2013
This was one of our main entrances under 47 inches of snow!
Assessing the Needs of the Community
Masonicare conducted two surveys of community seniors Sample included local senior center members Volunteers 65 year of age and older Instrument was a simple survey completed on survey monkey or written by hand We were looking for unmet needs that we could fulfill
Measurement of Social Accountability Community surveys Community surveys Data collection Data collection Consideration of Charity Care and Medicaid short fall Consideration of Charity Care and Medicaid short fall Reporting to the Board on progress of social accountability and community benefit activity Reporting to the Board on progress of social accountability and community benefit activity Includes working with the community on unmet needs Includes working with the community on unmet needs
Measurement of Social Accountability
Assessing the Needs of the Community Masonicare collected information through a short questionnaire in order to better understand the communities that we serve and to satisfy one of the IRS Non-profit requirements. Surveys were conducted in 2011 and 2014
Assessing the Needs of the Community Survey Design: A short 4-item questionnaire was created to provide a quick and simple way to collect data. Questions pertained to the following areas: 1. Demographics 1. Demographics 2. Unmet needs 2. Unmet needs
Assessing the Needs of the Community Survey Results:
Tracking Social Accountability
How Masonicare Tracks Social Accountability Activities
Conclusion Social accountability, like any other part of the organization, needs to be linked to the mission Social accountability, like any other part of the organization, needs to be linked to the mission It requires consideration of the traditional and current mission It requires consideration of the traditional and current mission It requires planning so that it is not too fragmented It requires planning so that it is not too fragmented It partners with you community so that you can tell your story through community benefit activities It partners with you community so that you can tell your story through community benefit activities