Planning an observing session Factors to consider: Choosing the objects - size, magnitude, filter Minimising time spent moving telescope between objects Minimising time spent entering data into telescope system Visibility - are the objects visible in your booked session?
Minimising time spent moving the telescope * Whirlpool Galaxy * Sunflower Galaxy * M79 * M81 * M3 * Whirlpool Galaxy * Sunflower Galaxy * M3 * M81 * M79
Minimising time spent entering object details Real –Time mode - human input needed - slows down process Can be minimised by: Having the RA/Dec values to hand (RA/Dec mode) Having a list of visible objects to hand (Search & Browse mode) Running through Real-Time Interace demo:
Are the objects visible during my session? Most important part of observing! Must be >25º from horizon, preferably >30º Must be >20º from Moon Software available from FT website - Sky Charts Stellarium Starry Night Sky View Café
Will the objects fit in my FOV? Full Moon FOV = 10.5 arcmin
Are the objects near the Moon during my session?
Exposure Times 6s Mars3s Sirius 0.03s Saturn 9s Saturn