Wales Neonatal Audit Day Siddhartha Sen Consultant Neonatologist, Royal Gwent Hospital Clinical Lead, Quality and Safety, Wales Neonatal Network
…..last year Concentrated on – the methods of data collection (BadgerNet) – audited its accuracy and completeness – discussed the scope and importance of the NNAP – the value of the VON We did not think we had enough maturity of the system at that stage to present any real data
Morning Session (Chaired by Dr Geraint Morris) The first 4 presentations are “commissioned” reports Morbidity – NEC – HIE Mortality Term admissions No comparisons between units intended
The data for all these presentations has been downloaded directly from BadgerNet This database has been thoroughly cleaned BadgerNet quality improvement audit Bliss Baby Charter Audit – developed on the 7 key principles of the Human Rights and the UN rights of the child – audit tool is specifically designed to provide a framework for units to examine key aspects of their units service provision and to help staff make family centred care a reality
Afternoon Session (Chaired by Dr Sue Papworth) Innovative care and examples of best practice 2 year developmental follow up of eligible babies which is a statutory requirement of all neonatal units Welsh experience on the use of probiotics in the prevention of NEC Improvement in breast feeding rates Infant feeding guidelines
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